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Blackbird ( f )

Blackbird ( f )

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Hope she got her sultanas this morning.

10 Jan, 2009


my F blackbird has got to know where i put the worms for Benny, shes at the back door every morning now waiting on me

10 Jan, 2009


Yes Dawn...shes a little fatty......Irish...arent the mealworms a price? put a few out today first thing and down came a flock of starlings...gone in two seconds.Now have to time it when they have flown off elsewhere lol

10 Jan, 2009


I've seen dried mealworms in Wilkinsons, do you feed dried ones? Thought about getting some live ones in the Spring when the birds are nesting, what do you think BB?

10 Jan, 2009


Lovely little girl. I see she is as thin and boney as her fella. LOL

10 Jan, 2009


Isnt she just Gilli......
Dawn,we get tubs of drid mealworms,and re hydrate them in a little warm water for a few minutes to soften them.Even give them like that in breeding season.Find live ones so expensive. dried ones just as nutritious.

10 Jan, 2009


Thanks for the info about using dried mealworms. Will give them a try with my flock!

10 Jan, 2009


Brilliant, thanks for the info BB, I wouldnt have thought they had to be hydrated, derrrr. I'll get some, they are on the list. Didnt really fancy getting live ones anyway.

10 Jan, 2009


Ok Dawn..between these and niger seed they all eat better than we do ! Gee beware..they love them

10 Jan, 2009


Costing me a fortune now Jane, where do you get the niger seeds from?

10 Jan, 2009


Any garden centre Dawn,but dont forget youll need that special feeder with tiny holes.We started with 3 goldfinches but now have a flock of about pretty to see darting about among the trees.

10 Jan, 2009


Ok Jane, thanks. We have gold finches around, they like to feed on our alder trees - very pretty! They always stick together don't they. Looks like word has got around about your niger seeds.

10 Jan, 2009


Thanks for info on the dried meal worms, i find as soon as i put some out the starlings take them, same if you put suet pellets out they are gone in seconds with the starlings.

11 Jan, 2009


the mealworms arnt so dear over here BB, carton of them from the local pet shop usually lasts me about two weeks , lol that sounds like im eating them .
i tried to get niger seeds on way home from work but with no luck, ill try some place else tomorrow

11 Jan, 2009


Hi Eileen, a real price here and as Clarice says starlings will hoover them in seconds .Jane chatting last night if you wonder where all those comments came from under your bird table pic.x

Seeing that pot by your back door have tried lightly burying a few meal worms for wren and robin which seems to keep starlings off , we have apple trees with holes in the trunk that wren can get inside but starlings cant so the little chaps dont do too badly .

Goldfinches also like sunflower hearts which can be put in oridinary seed feeder but niger seed is real nectar to them.

11 Jan, 2009


tell Jane i said hello.
its blowing a gale here this morning, one of the bird nesting box's has been blown out of the tree, im so glad no bird decided to build a nest in it

11 Jan, 2009


Same here Eileen very dark looks like rain on the way . Not as cold though and days drawing out with more light - so sure that ll please Clarice and Hywel esp .

11 Jan, 2009


wish there was some light here BB lol ive had the house lights on since i got up, its pitch dark here

11 Jan, 2009


Clutching at straws abit I know - trying to be positive not always easy with our weather but I will not accept any more rain , this year going to be beautiful I insist !

11 Jan, 2009


Aww this is so beautiful!!! It seems as if it wants to be photographed BB, you take wonderful bird shots too!!!

17 Jan, 2009


Thank you Panther..really enjoy taking wildlife photos....could spend all day with the camera !

17 Jan, 2009


Yes I can see that with the perfect pics BB!! :-) Great!

18 Jan, 2009

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