Tree House
By Milky

10 Jan, 2009
Ray has made this from some of the offcuts from the Oak Tree when we pruned it a short while ago. We have now removed the carcass and left it at the bottom of the garden for Freddie and hung this in its place... Im quite chuffed with it.....and so is he....wonder how long before the birds investigate?
Comments on this photo
What a good job. Bet it doesn't take long for the birds to arrive!
10 Jan, 2009
Thanks Dawnsaunt and Gee. We hope to see some activity maybe tomorrow, and of course to see if we may have to put something around the sides, to maybe make the openings slightly smaller. if the starlings take it over. I hope they dont...
10 Jan, 2009
Know what you mean, mine is just a flat table and we have a big fat wood pigeon that just sits and eats everything - really need to get hubby to build me a roof.
10 Jan, 2009
We dont really get trouble too much with pigeons, but the starlings have been breeding in the roof of the house next door for quite a few years now, and they havent done anything about them, so of course when they fly out in the mornings, there are about 50 of them, and they dont give the little birds a chance
10 Jan, 2009
It looks great...rustic and natural
10 Jan, 2009
thanks Bonkers
10 Jan, 2009
Very nice. Well done Ray. I hope you have lots of birdy visitors (other than starlings)
11 Jan, 2009
Well done Ray,looks great
11 Jan, 2009
well done Ray, that looks brilliant
11 Jan, 2009
Well done it's great
11 Jan, 2009
Thanks peoples.......
11 Jan, 2009
If starlings a real problem for you hope its ok to share what works for us ..
We buy the cheap seed then add sunflower seeds suet pellets and mealworms seperately.
Starlings will take anything but are really fat obsessed , we do not put anything fatty near our bird table and do not include those suet pellets or mealworms in the mix as this will draw them like flies ! If they raid seed feeders sparrows chaffinches etc sit underneath to feed as they spill so much.Its suet and mealworms they are looking for in the expensive mixes .
We put a dish out with fat etc for starlings ( cant get rid but can reduce their impact ) and suet mix on ground .
Wood pigeons and collared doves are looking for corn and maize which often the cheaper mixes bulked up with , although they look greedy they do leave the smaller seeds for others.
If pigeons a real problem then the more expensive bird foods contain less corn.Smaller birds often last to feed so we put mealworms out late and leave over - night as often will get them before starlings arrive en masse.
Sorry if this sounds a bit like a military campaign guess it is if you invaded by the starling army .. hope it helps.
11 Jan, 2009
Clever Ray ,this looks great Milky Thanks for all the tips Bonkers ...
11 Jan, 2009
Yes Bonkers...thankyou for that I realise why the starling decimate the fat balls first, and why they were fighting over the turkey. We do have some pigeons and a pair of collared doves that are always around, and I had noticed that they only go for bread,corn etc. Handy tip about the mealworms though, I shall certainly put them out later.
11 Jan, 2009
Did the birds investigate today Maureen? Thanks for sharing your tips on satisfying the starlings BB :-)
11 Jan, 2009
Not a dicky today, although when Ray got up 1st this morning, to make a cuppa,he said there was a blue tit in there. Maybe its because we have been busy in the garden today, I shall keep a watch tomorrow Dawnsaunt
11 Jan, 2009
I'm sure it won't be long before they arrive in flocks :-)
11 Jan, 2009
Starling are the bover boys of the the bird world, but i do find them funny when they are all fighting over the same fat ball when there are about 3 other fats balls hanging just yards away. Nice bird table.. lets hope you get loads of other birds to it.
23 Jan, 2009
Agree Sue ...our starlings home in on their fat dish...a couple at a time,and then start squabbling.While they are fighting another comes along and grabs as much as it wants !So funny to watch them marching around shouting the odds !
23 Jan, 2009
The birds are starting to investigate the table now.....Only trouble is they are too fast for me to get a picture. Also they are a little bit wary, as its been very windy, so the house has been moving about a bit. Maybe they dont like that too much.....
23 Jan, 2009
You should see our goldfinches on a windy day Milky They cling on for dear life,and only fly off when the feeders are rotating at 360 degrees lol
23 Jan, 2009
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Good for you Ray, you are lucky Maureen! Only made from the finest timber!
10 Jan, 2009