Pot cracked from the frost
By Amy

12 Jan, 2009
Comments on this photo
Hope the roots didn't get so frozen that you lose the plant. Bubble wrap around the pots may help in severe weather. I move as many as I cam next to the wall of the house where they get some protection.
12 Jan, 2009
Hope the roots didn't get so frozen that you lose the plant. Bubble wrap around the pots may help in severe weather. I move as many as I cam next to the wall of the house where they get some protection.
12 Jan, 2009
Hope the roots didn't get so frozen that you lose the plant. Bubble wrap around the pots may help in severe weather. I move as many as I cam next to the wall of the house where they get some protection.
12 Jan, 2009
Christpook , we should have done that but my hubby had an operation before xmas and anything heavy didn,t get done :o)
BTW your message came through 3 times that dosn,t usually happen does it ?
12 Jan, 2009
Crackpot ;-)
12 Jan, 2009
I do like terracotta, but they crack/break so easily don't they? I actually was given a big patterned terracotta pot which had split in two and filled it with pebbles. Tipped on it's side it looks quite attractive. Would go out and photograph it now, but it's pouring with rain.
12 Jan, 2009
Thats a good idea MTree , take a photo when it stops raining :o)
12 Jan, 2009
Perhaps I shouldn't have given this photo a 'like' lol It's as if I'm glad the pot is cracked. But it shows how intense the cold was.
12 Jan, 2009