Happy Couple
By Jacque

14 Jan, 2009
The 2 Thrushes Having Breakfast in the Bark Heather Bed this morning
Comments on this photo
Hi FF best thing iv ever done leaving the Apples On The Ground :) The Blackbirds,Robins & as u can see Thrushes love them :)
14 Jan, 2009
great photo Jacque
14 Jan, 2009
Thanx Eileen these few apples i moved for the Black Birds 2 eat as those Thrushes keep Bulling them from the Apple Tree 1s:/ now theyv taken these 1s over 2 ! This morning iv put some Apples under the new Bird Table hoping these dont get spotted by these 2 &the Black Birds will get a Bite lol :)
14 Jan, 2009
greedy birds lol
14 Jan, 2009
Sure are Greedy its agood thing theres so many Apples 2 feed them all :)
14 Jan, 2009
Lovely photo of the Thrushes Jacque......
14 Jan, 2009
Thanx Holly i wonder where theyl nest? iv seen them Fly over into a Big Oak Tree about4gardens away ! Maybe theyl bring their off spring to feed with them so il get2see them 2? :)
14 Jan, 2009
Super photo
14 Jan, 2009
Lovely photo, Jacque. No thrushes around here at all so its nice to share yours.
14 Jan, 2009
Thanx Deida/Gee glad youv enjoyed this pic :)
14 Jan, 2009
Oh Jacque...they look so contented together dont they.Lovely photo
14 Jan, 2009
Thats lovely to see them all cosy together Jacque , It would be nice if they built a nest in your garden :o)
14 Jan, 2009
Itd be a Dream if they nested in My Garden Amy :) They do take great care of each other Jane/Ray :)
14 Jan, 2009
Just returned from your other pic of them both Jacque and can see no white streaks on tail feathers so think they are song thrushes.Last year we had a pair of mistle thrushes nest in churchyard and both parents brought their brood of 3 into our garden to teach them to feed.It was great to see.
14 Jan, 2009
Great photo Jacque ...
14 Jan, 2009
Jacque, thats a brilliant photo.....
14 Jan, 2009
Glad u like the Pic Janette/Milky & i think their Mistle thrushes Jane/Ray as when they fly up in2 the Trees i can see a white feather each side of their tail feathers:)
14 Jan, 2009
Jacque..Jane here..in that case youre right..but anyway a pair of any thrushes is brilliant.We only have one visit as far as can tell.Hopefully will bring its mate....
14 Jan, 2009
Maybe the other 1s in hiding so it can give u a big surprise like my2did Jane :) I dont mind them being Mistle Thrushes id even be pleaesd if they were Pink with Blue Spots Thrushes lol :) well nite now&chat again soon X
14 Jan, 2009
Night night Jacque xx
14 Jan, 2009
This is great Jacque, they are liking your garden :-) I can see a nest being built in the Spring :-) x
14 Jan, 2009
Lovely photo Jacque. Well done. What lovely little Thrushes. It looks like this photo is in black and white except for the birds, fruit and flowers.
15 Jan, 2009
Nest Building u think so Dawn? would be great hey:) I think the Frost is making the Pic look Black/White Gilli as it was Frezzing when i took this Pic Glad u like The Thruhes :)
15 Jan, 2009
I've got my fingers crossed for you Jacque. I would imagine they are looking for nesting sites at this time of year. BB - are you there - where do they like to nest :-)
15 Jan, 2009
Quite high in tree canopy Dawn, and may be nesting as one of the earliest birds to begin laying , from February onwards.
15 Jan, 2009
I bet their Nesting up in that Big Tree we cant decided on Dawn/Jane/Ray !Iv started 2 only see 1 since yesterday ? Do they use same nest every yr like Blackbirds do ? :)
15 Jan, 2009
Hiiiii BB, so they will be nesting very soon then? Do they make their nests out of twigs? Yes Jacque, they'll eat your apples and then go off to the mystery tree, lol. BB: your advice is needed on Daff's Jay pic and Daff's Spring blog, she needs advice on sparrows nest boxes - you'll be charging us at this rate, lol.
15 Jan, 2009
Think so Jacque but nests more vunerable to weather and other birds pinching their materials as they nest later.As they more heavily dependent on berries esp , holly ,hawthorn , mistletoe ( if they can still find any ! ) than song thrush - this the main reason they nest early.
15 Jan, 2009
Well im going to keep feeding them Apples & hopefully this`l help them & then they might bring their Babys 2 see me 2? :)
15 Jan, 2009
Sure they will Jacque - everything else seems to flock to you ! Easy with the rice pudding though x
15 Jan, 2009
Rice Pudding? What Rice Pudding ;) lol x
15 Jan, 2009
Oh you too modest word has spread Jacque , ours demanding the recipe - how many spoons of concrete in it ? x
15 Jan, 2009
No need for Concert BB its lack of milk that gives it that Yummi Taste & Unqui texture lol :)
15 Jan, 2009
So thats where I been going wrong ? You should see my cheese sauce Jacque - I end up using about 3 gallons of milk to thin it out as always use too much flour !
15 Jan, 2009
Mmmmmmmm Cheese Sauce Yum ,i cheat & buy the Packets ;) Much easier lol just make sure u measure out the Milk correctly :)
15 Jan, 2009
Ok Jacque I ll try that - I cheat with rice pudding and buy the tins !
15 Jan, 2009
Two lovely thrushes. Think perhaps our garden is too enclosed for them to feel safe.
16 Jan, 2009
Pretty birdies!
21 Jan, 2009
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This photo is of "Birds That Visit Me" in Jacque's garden
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Hi Jacque, nice photo, its worth leaving the windfalls for is'nt it.
14 Jan, 2009