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Is that as cold as it looks ?

Is that as cold as it looks ?

Well why dont you try it and see for yourself ?

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Rather them than me. Brrrrr. Bet he's dipping his toe in lol.

15 Jan, 2009


Even though frozen solid Dawn as soon as you make a little hole for them they splash and wash in the coldest of temps.Little goldfinches even the wagtail jump in!

15 Jan, 2009


And not a wellie in site LOL

15 Jan, 2009


Cheeky !! x

15 Jan, 2009


Makes me feel cold just to look at them!

15 Jan, 2009


They must be mad, wonder why they like bathing even when its cold. You know what BB, I've never seen a bird near my pond, wonder if I need a few rocks or stones on an edge, like you have.

16 Jan, 2009


Yes Dawn it was a bitterly cold day when these were taken...never seen the wood pigeon bathing in our pond before...but the collared doves were queuing up.Strange !

16 Jan, 2009


You say the starlings bathe in the cold too. They must be tough old birds in your neck of the woods BB.

16 Jan, 2009


Apparently Dawn they have to bathe regularly to keep their feathers in good condition so they can insulate the birds during the cold nights by trapping layers of warm air.Thats why they fluff out too.Sorry but you probably knew that anyway lol !

16 Jan, 2009


Wellies id need to be wearing more than wellies 2 be bathing in there Amy lol :)

19 Jan, 2009


I'm getting goose bumps running up and down my arms just looking at them . Great photo !

20 Jan, 2009


Thanks Flc

20 Jan, 2009


Hi BB, no I didnt know they had to bathe to keep in good condition. My birds here never bathe, I think they must do it in private, lol

20 Jan, 2009


Dawn...can you see your large pond from the house? Sure they must be using that.Too good a chance to pass up !!

20 Jan, 2009


I can't see the pond from the house really, only with binoculars but we have the brook running through too and I've never seen them bathe at all (after 40 years plus, lol), they never use the bird bath either. I wonder if I need to put some rocks/stones up to the pond so they can go in gradually.

20 Jan, 2009


Good idea Dawn they love stepping stones,and like to feel they have some control and safety when bathing !

20 Jan, 2009


I've got some nice ducky stones (hope that means something to you BB) so I'll put them down :-)

20 Jan, 2009


Ducky Stones ? They sound great Lovey!!

20 Jan, 2009


Ha, ha, large oval stones, as big as your fist, like you'd find on a beach but ours have evolved in the brook, lol

20 Jan, 2009


More work for poor John lol

20 Jan, 2009


I know, he's worked to death, you should see the pile of clay he's got to move next. I do my share though, lol. We've got matching wheel barrows!

25 Jan, 2009


Bless ....keep battling on both of you Must be worth it in the end !

25 Jan, 2009

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