Redwing ( Turdus iliacus )
By Deida51
- 21 Jan, 2009
another newcomer to the garden..oh the excitement..
Comments on this photo
We get flocks of Fieldfares ,but not Redwings..first time for me
21 Jan, 2009
Thats a pretty bird Deida I havent seen one of these before...
21 Jan, 2009
we dont get meny song thurshes in the garden this is a great photo
21 Jan, 2009
Good photo :o)
21 Jan, 2009
Lovey Pic :)
21 Jan, 2009
None here either.Lucky you Deida
21 Jan, 2009
Thanks everybody for sharing my exictement.. BB I thought you get these birds regularly ?
21 Jan, 2009
No unfortunately not Deida.Lots of goldfinches and chaffinches..but no redwings Can live in hope !
21 Jan, 2009
Never mind BB..No idea what fetches these birds into the garden....unless it's
Cruella...driving them all in???
21 Jan, 2009 Deida if youve shrubs with red berries,maybe thats what attracts them.We have a pied wagtail been here a fortnight now,and down two or three times a day for mealworms.Once they arrive they dont seem to want to go !
21 Jan, 2009
How lovely for you Deida, its always nice to see a new visitor.
21 Jan, 2009
brilliant photo Deida
21 Jan, 2009
Thanks B B I know what you mean,our berries have long gone ,but newcomers are still appearing....must be the nuts...
Thanks Dawnsaunt,love to see new visitors
Thanks Irish
21 Jan, 2009
What are you giving all your visitors Deida ?
21 Jan, 2009
Nice picture Deida!
22 Jan, 2009
Great photo Deida
22 Jan, 2009
great pic, only seen them in books:-)
17 Aug, 2009
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I used to see flocks of these down on the Romney Marsh years ago. Haven't seen one in ages. Lucky you.
21 Jan, 2009