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A garden flower photo

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WOW! Perfection.... well done.

22 Jan, 2009


A Gorgouse Boarder :)

22 Jan, 2009


Looks lovely.........

22 Jan, 2009


You obviously work very hard on this and it shows. What is the yellow/lime coloured plant?

22 Jan, 2009


The bright yellow plant is a form of Oregano (Origanum vulgare 'Aureum)
It has tiny white flowers but I grow it for its bright yellow foliage which contrasts well with the box hedging in front of my small rockery area.

22 Jan, 2009


A lovely border well stocked..

22 Jan, 2009


love the alliums in the background, i planted some up this year with Geum mrs j bradshaw, and the effect of the purple and dark orange was stunning, i see you have done simular here, great minds...... lol

27 Jan, 2009


Yes I love combining strong colours, even clashing at times.Somethings work and this combo seems to be one of them. The G. Mrs Bradshawe seem to flower all summer. They're brilliant!

27 Jan, 2009


yes i do agree Paul. i love bright clashing colours in the garden. at the end of the day i think it pays to be brave, if you get it right, you end up with real WOW factor, if it does'nt work you can always move it!

28 Jan, 2009


Definitely, nothing ventured nothing gained.

28 Jan, 2009


Stunning nice planting

9 Jun, 2009


I love the flow and fullness of your border Paul, it really does resemble mine...:-).

16 Jun, 2009


This picture was taken quite early in the season Flcrazy, about end May opr very early June but as you've seen in my later summer pics, the borders are quite full. I like them to look buzy and colourful but not too organised!

18 Jun, 2009


You're talking my language now Paul....;-)

19 Jun, 2009

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