Euonymus Europaeus, 'Red Cascade'
By Clarice

23 Jan, 2009
Its a shrub, grows about 3m in autumn it as red fruit withorange seeds, suppose to atract lots of birds, bought it this morning just planted it, and as soon as i had done it it started raining.
Comments on this photo
I haven't heard of this one before, Clarice. I've just looked at it on google images and its lovely. Did you go out with the intention of buying it or was it a lucky find?
23 Jan, 2009
Gee it was more luck i think, went for a nosy round garden centre and notice it was on offer for £1-75, so think i've done well.
23 Jan, 2009
you did very well Clarice
23 Jan, 2009
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At least it let you finish the job before it rained lol .This is beautiful in the Autumn Clarice , you will be very pleased with it . :o)
23 Jan, 2009