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By Elke

Amaryllis (Amaryllis belladonna (Belladonna lily))

The first blooms of the year - and they are enormous. We do appreciate our indoor garden in the winter. Taken this morning, Jan 24.

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its beautiful Elke

24 Jan, 2009


Great Amaryllis Elke. I'm appreciating mine indoors as well. And I see you cane begonia in the background. Do you get blooms? I'm looking for tips. :-)

24 Jan, 2009


Yes, we get masses of blooms, single pink flowers, quite small individually but they hang in big bunches. This thing gets so tall we regularly have to cut it right back and let it start again, before the thick stems snap with the weight of the foliage and blooms. Didn't know it was called a cane begonia - perhaps that's what it needs to support it!

25 Jan, 2009


Forgot to add this: Patrick feeds all the indoor plants regularly. The begonia seems happy anywhere, it's not fussy, but it gets a lot of light in our house. It likes a lot of water. The cuttings root easily. It came to us as a cutting from quite an ancient plant. That's about it! Good luck :)

25 Jan, 2009


Thanks Elke, sound like feeding should do the trick. I've had mine a long time and propagated it, but ne'er a bloom. I'll try that, gets plenty of light.

25 Jan, 2009


I'll try and find an older photo showing the blooms themselves.

25 Jan, 2009


breathe taking!! the begonia looks like an angel wing begoina,i've had mine for 4 yrs no blooms hopefully this year... this is my first time with an amarylllis excited to see the blooms!!!!

18 Apr, 2010


Lori suggested Angel wings and Elephant ear, so there are several names for this begonia. I've posted photos of the pink flowers too.

18 Apr, 2010

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