Sign at Terra Nurseries
By Gillian
- 24 Jan, 2009
Comments on this photo
I loved this, just seemed such a hopeful sentiment!
24 Jan, 2009
That's very comforting to know :o)
25 Jan, 2009
I love it it,s so bright and cheerfull..........:o)
25 Jan, 2009
Terratoonie didn't tell us she was opning a Nursery, did she? Or have they used her name and wellies without asking?
25 Jan, 2009
ah, a poster after my own heart.
Let's hope that the season formerly known as "summer" is sitting up and taking notice, and doesn't dare skip its turn in GB for the 3rd year running?! : )
27 Jan, 2009
With my tidying spree at home, I've only just found this !
What a good thing Spritz is on the alert for me.
Don't want to miss out on my commission. Lol.
Judging by my crowded kitchen worktops. my nursery will be specialising in seedlings from Passionflowers. I seem to have a LOT of those. I wonder if they'll reach the kitchen ceiling before I can plant them outdoors ? Lol.
I'm now not only training Shetland Sheepdogs, but also teaching multicoloured ducks to walk in single file. :o)
Picture gone on my favourites.
Gillian, thank you. :o)
28 Jan, 2009
Hi TT, thought you were off somewhere being busy, now I know what you were up to!
28 Jan, 2009
Shredding, sorting,
shredding sorting.
For someone who has inherited the habits of a hoarder I'm pretty pleased with my efforts so far. I can now walk across my library with no obstacles in the way. Lol.
28 Jan, 2009
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love the little ducks~usually only yellow!
24 Jan, 2009