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Garden invader.


By Toto

Garden invader.


Comments on this photo


Nice photo. But I'm interested in what you did to your photographic model afterwards! LOL

28 Jan, 2009


Boo, hiss

28 Jan, 2009


Wow, that thing looks like "Slugzilla"!!

28 Jan, 2009


great photo

28 Jan, 2009


I hope this was suitable disposed of after the photo shoot Interesting pose though.............

28 Jan, 2009


Were you attacked! goodness it looks to be a threatening fellow...LOL

28 Jan, 2009


Very good photo, Toto. Awful subject though. Did you dispose of him after his photo shoot.?

29 Jan, 2009


Great shot, looks like a giant!

29 Jan, 2009


Yeah...I don't know...Toto has not said a word here yet..suppose it disposed of her? Still with us...Toto?

29 Jan, 2009


Get the shotgun out - no, not for Toto.

29 Jan, 2009


Shortly after this photograph was taken the little visitor was seen taking to the air, going on his holidays to a rather overgrown garden next door. I'm told that these large brownish slugs are not as bad as the small black ones as they are carnivorous, eating other smaller slugs among other things. Does anyone know if this is true?
I'm now going to need to find another holiday destination for future, unwanted visitors as I now have new neighbours who are making a nice job of their garden and slugs don't make that nice crunching sound like snails.

29 Jan, 2009


LOL...there used to be a gravel road and a tangled wood that I threw my slugs into many years ago...I don't seem to have a problem here with them..snails but not slugs...have a large field to toss snails into here...I cannot bare to kill much of anything ...mosquito.s get swatted when they bite..but that is about it...I have been known to build bridges out of fires for ants who had built nests in old wood and got tossed on a I truly pathetic..or what?

29 Jan, 2009


I don't believe that you are at all pathetic CatFinch. There is nothing good or clever about killing anything. All creatures have a right to life and to be respected for what they are.

29 Jan, 2009


Yes...I believe so too..what was it Albert Sweitzer said? It was to some one who..said to him..something like.."What good are gnats?" Albert said.."What good are you?" Makes you have to think, doesn't it?

29 Jan, 2009


Toto and Cat, do you have those big yellow banana slugs? There was a plan afoot at one time to make the slug the Washington State Mollusk.

29 Jan, 2009


LOL...I remember that Weeds....but I rarely see that sort here...I bet they are on the West side in the Hoh Rain forest though.

29 Jan, 2009


No thanks. I guess it's because our climate is not suitable for growing bananas!

30 Jan, 2009


LOL...ours either..but the slugs look banana like I believe ...though they, those who named it that, have a better imagination than myself...LOL...

30 Jan, 2009


Yes, they were in the Hoh Rain Forest, my kids were very impressed with them. They look like a regular slug but they are bright yellow and they really do look banana-like. Seems like they were about 4 inches long. Gross! :-)

31 Jan, 2009


They are one big slug...think they eat the trees there...?

31 Jan, 2009


I would say AT LEAST 4" long Weedy. I believe I have seen them longer than that in North Vancouver. We used to see them all the time in the forest when we hiked up Grouse Mountain....especially after the rain. I swear some of them would have been up to 8" all stretched out. Horrible sickly yellow colour, sometimes with black splotches.......blech!!! Like something from a Sci-Fi movie.

31 Jan, 2009


My sister called slugs...."Shorts"....LOL...would run screaming..."Short a Short!"....never quite understood it..but I think at one time either my brother or I teased her about what happened when they shortened up..must have been a terrifying thing she was told...poor child...she is 6 years younger than me and 8 years younger than my brother...I am sure we traumatised her....

31 Jan, 2009


Yeah, you're right Gilli they were longer than 4 inches now that I think about it. "The Slug That Devoured Seattle." sounds like a great movie!

CJ...Can't imagine you traumatizing your sister. You've always been very kind to me. LOL

1 Feb, 2009


Yes but I was her big sister...LOL...I used to tell her I could not see her...poor thing ...upset her something terrible.

1 Feb, 2009


I love it!! Great Photo~

11 Feb, 2009


Thanks all.

11 Feb, 2009


i throw my unwanted visitors over my 6ft fence to a field,some one told me that they have a homing devise,!! am i having my leg pulled or what.?

11 Feb, 2009


Slugs this size have the capacity to travel up to 4, repeat, 4 miles in a single suitably damp night, they do have a home range and will find their way home unless released a sufficient distance away.It has been observed (students in uni ,i think) that if you take a slug 100yds from home and then put a spiral of salt round them with at least 5 turns then they cannot find their way home as they are too dizzy to remember where it is, seem to remember it was only an anti-clockwise spiral too, the things students study eh!

11 Aug, 2009


You sure it's not the students who are dizzy?

12 Aug, 2009


Anythings pos with students, it could have been rag week!!!

12 Aug, 2009

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