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'Charmeur' Finally

'Charmeur' Finally (Hippeastrum papilio (Butterfly amaryllis))

At last some of the blooms opened and here she is. Flashed for a true color. I'll remember to peel back the flower bract next time one doesn't open quick enough.

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She is a stunner Gt..........a beautiful colour.....they are so amazing. I have one only potted a couple of weeks ago, and every day I'm searching for the sign of a bud LOL

29 Jan, 2009


Lovely colour!

29 Jan, 2009


It is beautiful!

29 Jan, 2009


Wow.....beautiful color. Is it a lily?

5 Feb, 2009


Thanks for the comments all. So appreciated! This one has brought sun back to the house!

PG, this is an amaryllis. There is a link on the right to see others and get more official names.

6 Feb, 2009


Well done, greenthumb! Just amazingly beautiful. And a very unusual colour too for an Amaryllis.
I want one of these too :-) !
I have Papilio and Tango in bloom right now and Charisma, Gervase and Picotee in the bud. They are really taking their time and it goes very s-l-o-w-l-y....
My Apple Blossom and Blossom Peacock (the latter is a double blooming one) are still not showing any signs of blooming.

24 Feb, 2009


This one was soft and sweet. Mine went right through every two weeks one after another. This was the second, very

28 Feb, 2009

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This photo is of "Amaryllis 'Charmeur"" in Greenthumb's garden

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