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Rooster pix for Donnah


By Weeds11

Rooster pix for Donnah

My favorite rooster picture. I took this picture, but he is not my rooster. During a hurricane a long time ago on Kaua'i, the chicken pens were distroyed and many of the chickens were freed. They are thriving on in the wild.

Comments on this photo


He has wonderful markings

30 Jan, 2009


Very colourful bird.
Attractive :o)

30 Jan, 2009


Magnificent bird

30 Jan, 2009


~gorgeous plumage!

30 Jan, 2009


What a handsome fellow he is.

31 Jan, 2009


He's pretty proud of himself, isn't he?

31 Jan, 2009


Princess Weeds - Bad tydings I bring in respect of this feathered friend. I'm afraid you are unable to call him Rooster. Lady Sid has already claimed the name Rooster for her gold fish. I kid you not. You will need to check out her blog Fish one Fish two to understand. Norfolk is also challenging for best bird on GOY - have you checked Myrtle out yet? Now the real reason I have come on your site is to lodge a complaint. Now if you look up you will see that I am right next to your favourite bird (previous picture) and the doodle doing has been waking me up at dawn. Now if he woke me up before dawn I could take some nice photos for my Queen Catfinch but the timing of the doodle doing could not possibly be worse. Why you could not have a fish like Queen Catfinch or Lady Sid is beyond me. I am thinking of asking Princess Gilli to wring it's neck if you don't sort this out soon! Princess Gilli is GOY's expert on bird muck and will therefore have something helpful to contribute I am sure.

13 Feb, 2009


So kind of you to bring this fowl faux pas to my attention. Seems I owe several GoYs my apologies including you. In my own defense... how was I to know a fish could be named Rooster? What if I call this chicken Nemo? As for the unfortunate timing of his doodle-doing... Grow-Lights with timers set before dawn might do the trick. Gilli, our chicken consultant, may have a better suggestion. Nemo is a mongrel chicken, he isn't in the running for Norfolk's World's Champion Chicken. (But he is a very intelligent chicken...he has survived in spite of the imported mongoose population in Hawaii.)

13 Feb, 2009


Weedy, I think perhaps an alarm clock with a loud ring for GF would do the trick....Let poor Nemo doodle do at the correct time (can't have any lady chucks confused as to what time it is) and if GF wants to take photos for his lady love then an alarm clock is what he needs.
If GF doesn't want to be woken by Nemo (and the photos for QC are just a way of complaining about SOMEthing), then I do believe a nice spongy pair of earplugs would solve his problem.
Princess Gilli will not dream of wringing Nemo's neck. How could you even consider such an option for such a handsome rooster, GF? When it comes to methods of chicken termination then I am your expert but not with pet chickens. I would be banished from GoY to the far nether regions of no gardens for ever!! :o(

13 Feb, 2009


Good for you Gilli. I personally love the sounf but I always have been a bit short in the brain department. As you rightly say this is not the correct forum for complaints.

13 Feb, 2009


Nothing wrong with YOUR brain Toto, I love the sound of crowing too. And the sound a hen makes when she is proud that she has laid an egg.

13 Feb, 2009


I love it too but you know I am always awake before the do not get woke up by them and then I am in this town where they don't allow chickens or roosters so there you go...LOL..Gilli...My Knight..rattled your cage didn,t he...I do believe you are the Rooster my Dear Heart everyone up here....!

13 Feb, 2009


Princess Weeds - I have another nature observation. This morning I was late getting up. I heard neither Nemo nor the alarm clock. Now I am holding Princess Gilli responsible for this. After all it was her highness who suggested the alarm clock and ear plugs wasn't it! As regards Nemo first of all I did not suggest wringing a pet chicken's neck. Nemo is extremely insulted to be called a chicken and also infuriated to be classed as a pet. Nemo is no chicken and roams free thriving in the wild isn't he Princess Weeds. Nemo has asked for an apology. I asked him if he wanted an apology and he said I doodle doodle do!

13 Feb, 2009


he he ...Rooster, the Loan Free-Ranger! I do hope he is not too insulted at having to share a name with a mere goldfish (a poultry creature, but not in that way!) The only crowing I can hear from here is that of Gf. What are we to doodle-do about it? x-)

13 Feb, 2009


GF - Oh Rats! now I'll have to go all the way back to Hawaii to apologize to Nemo, sigh. I can have my bag packed in 10 minutes. I'll need a Mai Tai on the beach as soon as I get there to build my strength. (Nemo lives far up the side of an ancient volcano.) No, no, GF...don't feel sorry for me leaving all this snow, it's the least I can do for the poor rooster/goldfish!

LOL Sid, Lone Free Ranger, that's a good one! You're "quip on your feat!" HaHa!

13 Feb, 2009


There you go again Sir Turnip.....I didn't say for you to wear the ear plugs and use the alarm clock at the same time. Clean your specs and have another read.....One or the other!!!!

AND...I refuse to apologise for calling dear Nemo a chicken....If you re-read my earlier post you will see that I quite clearly referred to him as a rooster. In fact I called him a "handsome rooster".

Now you have Weedy all riled up and heading off to Hawaii with no one to look after her. I'll have to go after her and hope I catch up with her before she gets to the Mai Tais. <sigh> Its a tough job but somebody has to do it....Now where did I put my sunscreen???

14 Feb, 2009


Wait they have those cute little boxes of those Mai Tai's there..I will bring the cute little umbrellas.....we can all have cute little Mai Tai's on the beach...I have this nice beach towel that has never been right along...Oh Nemo, we are "all" so sorry...we are coming...!

14 Feb, 2009


It is so nice to have good friends to look out for me!
Drag up a lounge chair and join me.The Mai Tai's are in that wheelbarrow with the ice, help yourself..
Did you know that they sacrifice virgins to Pele here? Oh right... no worries for us. :-) Oh hi, Nemo, have a Mai Tai. Nice place you have here.

14 Feb, 2009


Thank goodness we caught up with you in time Weedy. Couldn't imagine the trouble you might run into here on the beach in a lounge chair in the sun. Why, the Mai Tai ice might have melted and then what would you have done??? Cj, I'll have that nice little pink umbrella with the pineapple pictures on it please.....

14 Feb, 2009


I don't know why GF is not here...he could be relaxing right along with us..hmmmmm .....

14 Feb, 2009


I think Nemo wasn't there to wake him up on time and he missed his flight.... ;-)

15 Feb, 2009


Ya know...? I bet you are right !!!!

15 Feb, 2009


Nemo - I am sorry I cannot attend in person. Whilst you were drinking with your new friends on the sun soaked beach of your lovely island, I had great trips to Catfinch's spectacular Waiting for morning blog and Sid's brilliant Four waterfalls blog. Now you are a fine looking fellow who knows my comments were made in jest. However it will take a better picture showing the natural beauty of your island to tempt me there.

15 Feb, 2009


GF how can a tropical island in the middle of an ocean compete with that? Maybe another time. Photos will be forthcoming. Nemo

15 Feb, 2009


Waiting for morning blog? hmm...must be that I need to get off this beach of Nemo's and high tail it back home...LOL...

15 Feb, 2009


Cat, take a plane... it's too far to swim!

15 Feb, 2009


right...oh yeah... right... tailing it..puff..puff

16 Feb, 2009


Cat, Cat... you mustn't appear too eager. Linger a moment, be casual, fling your hair back, stare into thr distance. An enigmatic Mona Lisa smile would be a nice touch. Tease him a little.

16 Feb, 2009


Weed's he is going to know why I am doing

16 Feb, 2009


Lady Sarah - so you think I have been crowing do you! Well the royal party jetted off to a tropical island to apologise to Nemo - well all except Princess Gilli who was crowing that she will not apologise. Queen Catfinch has been crowing about tossing her lovely locks. Princess Weeds has been crowing that she is no longer a virgin! So they have all been too busy crowing to respond to your question about me. It seems I am the only one who has not been crowing around here. I would like to hear what you have got to crow about except a gold fish name?

16 Feb, 2009


GF, All the crowing keeping you awake?
I wasn't crowing about being a virgin, I was crowing that there was no chance that they would sacrifice me to Pele. I see that as a good thing!
Nemo will be blogging you pictures soon.

16 Feb, 2009


OH...doodly do my Knight...I am not crowing...! Tossin my hair and smilin and winkin ;-) but not crowing....LOL....too out of breath from all that runnin, swimmin and crow!

17 Feb, 2009

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