Lantana camara - Lanatana
By Delonix1
- 2 Feb, 2009
All the Lantana are in full bloom now...and of course there's millions.LOL! The purple variety is blooming so profusely now one can't even see the leaves. I'll post some photos soon.
Comments on this photo
It grows as a weed here also (the birds -- you know) is still planted everywhere though. I pull them out from my yard all the time. I posted a pink variety plant pic that spouted in my yard... one I decided to let grow and everyone loved it. Only if they knew when you have one you have a million. LOL!
3 Feb, 2009
If we must have weeds, let them be pretty ones like these :o)
9 Feb, 2009
These plants are pretty weedy...I see them popping up through many landscape plants along the freeways. The birds carry the seeds everywhere.
They are easy to pull out when young, however, when they grow larger it's not so easy to pull them out.
9 Feb, 2009
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Oh this is a weed where I live. It's my husband's onerous job to go down into the spare allotment on our property and eradicate this. We even have inspectors from our city council come out to see if it's being done! Beautiful but such a pest! It just takes over the bush!
2 Feb, 2009