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And yet another view from the top of the garden.

And yet another view from the top of the garden.

Arch with snow, the bottlebrush has taken a battering this time, keeping fingers crossed, covered the bay tree for the first time in 9 years with fleece.

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looks magical..

3 Feb, 2009


This pic has a 'Narnia' look about it.

3 Feb, 2009


i can see that. instead of going through the wardrobe we could go through the archway .lol

3 Feb, 2009


Lovely Dotty..............

3 Feb, 2009


Thanks everybody.....hope this is the last of the snow..fingers crossed..

8 Feb, 2009


You have your very own winter wonderland Dotty, it looks lovely ! Very cold....but lovely !

11 Mar, 2009


this looks lovely, like a scene from the snow queen,,

3 May, 2009


Thanks Sanbaz, hard to believe this snow was in our garden.

5 May, 2009


we didnt get any in blackpool :o(( i love to see the snow when it first falls

5 May, 2009


I cannot believe the snow missed you, I have to admit I am like you love to see it falling.....while I am inside having a drink and snuggled up warm and cosy.

7 May, 2009

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