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Harvey in the snow


By Arlene

Harvey in  the snow

Cefn Bryn in the background.

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he loves that...

3 Feb, 2009


Whats he Looking @ Arlene? :) lol

3 Feb, 2009


~I think something was moving~he kept pouncing!He chases everything~leaves,blowing lichen etc and is the one most likely to come home with sticks,balls, bits of anything remotely interesting~most of which doesn't make it past the garden gate and can be played with the next day!

3 Feb, 2009


Lol :) He must of had a great time In the snow then :)

3 Feb, 2009


~he had a whale of a time!
Unfortunately later on my husband went out with them and slipped and broke his ankle in three places~now in plaster and can't put any weight on it for six weeks!

3 Feb, 2009


Aww Arlene, sorry to hear about hubby's injury, hope he's OK. I can see lots of work coming your way over the next 6 weeks then.

3 Feb, 2009


~yes so can I!
We may have to cancel a trip we have in February for his birthday~ which will be a shame!

3 Feb, 2009


Oh dear, how frustrating for you and no more dog walking for him for a while then.

3 Feb, 2009


OOOOOOOOOOO No :( Poor Hubby Arlene :/ nothing2do with that Email u posted me i hope ! :(

3 Feb, 2009


~it's one of those things Jacque~
it was lethal last night~ it had thawed and then frozen in ruts on the lane~I nearly went down several times when I went out to help him get home. Spent a few hours at the local A and E ~fortunately there was only two other people there last night and the staff were lovely!

3 Feb, 2009


Plez send my get Well Wishes to him Arlene & tell him 2 REST :) U be careful when ur walking Harvey Arlene x

3 Feb, 2009


~Thanks Jacque!
We will be careful~thinking of taking salt out with me!
If it is really bad I will go into the woods which are close and let them loose to run around.Tomorrow morning may be icy~I will be well padded with extra layers and my wellies!
Andrew is a great help so I will not be doing it all~thank goodness!

3 Feb, 2009


~hi Dawn
It's going to be challeging! glad I only work 2 days a week~ the dogs may have to go to my daughters on those days!

3 Feb, 2009


Arlene... I,m so sorry to hear about your poor hubby's accident please give him our best wishes , thats a long time to be in plaster . take care dont you go over as well ... !

3 Feb, 2009


Oh Arlene,so sorry to hear of this accident.Please take care can be lethal,especially when it freezes .

3 Feb, 2009


~Thanks Amy and BB
~realisation of the fact that he won't be going anywhere for the next few weeks is sinking in~we usually get out and about quite a bit! ~apparently the first three weeks are crucial and after that it will gradually improve until the plaster comes off~it sounds like a few trips to the hospital though for them to check progress. I did something similar in 2000 and my ankle healed very well~same hospital~although my left knee isn't very clever and will occasionally click .!Landed on my knees from quite a height with my leg twisted out to the side~the dogs were brilliant and got me home.
I will be being extra careful~probably shorter walks until the snow goes!

3 Feb, 2009


Dogs are loyal like that Arlene..take care x

3 Feb, 2009


sorry to hear about your winter woes.
Maybe you guys should buy some cleats, to anchor your wellies to the ground. They are especially useful if you're going out often, like yourself.

4 Feb, 2009


Oh Arlene, so sorry to hear about your husband's broken ankle. Very painful and getting about on crutches is hard work. Best wishes to him for a speedy repair and recovery.

4 Feb, 2009


~thanks for all your best wishes everyone!
We will need them as he is a terrible patient~imagine Victor Meldrew!

4 Feb, 2009


Hi Newfie
~Weeds also mentioned these in a pm.I have found a site and will be getting a pair each!

4 Feb, 2009


you will love them...
happy walking!

5 Feb, 2009


Quite a change from the beach! Speedy recovery to your husband.

11 Feb, 2009

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