By Fleurdemai
- 3 Feb, 2009
A bridlepath near my house yesterday
Comments on this photo
All this snow has given us all some photo opportunities - great pic!
3 Feb, 2009
Wow...that is stunning Fdm!
3 Feb, 2009
Oh my god.............what a lot you got....................Lovely photo though Fleur......
3 Feb, 2009
Lovely gone to my favourites.
3 Feb, 2009
How peaceful.
4 Feb, 2009
What a beautiful photograph
4 Feb, 2009
WOW, could get lost in all that snow, Great pic.
5 Feb, 2009
That really IS a lot of snow! Your puppies are looking great! Nancy
6 Feb, 2009
Got to love that snow, quiet, peaceful and an excuse for a hot toddy, heh, heh!!!!!
7 Feb, 2009
Doon my sentiments exactly......cheers!!!
7 Feb, 2009
Cheers there DD2 will have a Margarita this afternoon at sundown!!!only!!!hehehe
8 Feb, 2009
Wow! thats beautiful :)
15 Feb, 2009
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