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Winter Field Maple

Winter Field Maple

This tree in my neighbours garden looks great in the winter, particularly with a bright blue sky behind it.It's very popular with the Wood pigeons and if you look closely, you will see quite a few of them in this shot. Taken 4th Feb 2009.

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Lovely blue sky.
I can see quite a number of wood pigeons.
My Shetland Sheepdog allows any bird to walk on my lawns ~ except the wood pigeons. :o)

4 Feb, 2009


I think our Paddy is frightened of them. Some of them aren't much smaller than him!!

4 Feb, 2009


Can't blame Paddy. Some of those Wood Pigeons are chunky birds. :o)
Conker thinks they are cats. He gives them exactly the same treatment as felines ~ the warning bark. :o)
He is sometimes puzzled over the Collared Doves, which are a bit smaller than the Wood Pigeons.
Is it a kitten ? he asks. Usually he permits them to stay in the garden, having decided they are large birds rather than small cats. :o)

4 Feb, 2009


A few years ago there was a commotion coming from the catflap - the Head Gardener was trying to drag a Wood Pigeon through it (an ex-Wood Pigeon). She never did fight at her own weight - just over 2kgs. Nearly lost her completely when she jumped on a Rook. It took off with her hanging off the back and if a few feathers hadn't come out making her drop off at about 10ft she would have been at the top of an 80ft oak tree.

4 Feb, 2009


Does these pigeons have the lovely song like the "mourning" pigeons??Coo hoo ho, something like that LOL!!!

10 Feb, 2009


Yes, they're noisy little blighters! Coo hoo hoing (as you put it!!) for hours on end! But not so much at this time of year.

11 Feb, 2009


very nice peaceful..trees and blue skies have this effect on me..:)

11 Feb, 2009

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