snowlady yesterday :-))
By Sandra
- 5 Feb, 2009
Comments on this photo
Sorry the snowlady toppled over but I'm glad it's thawing. lol
5 Feb, 2009
she was recycled into the base of todays snowman. its still snowin here but its very light.
5 Feb, 2009
lol looks like she was out with BB and Cyril last night
5 Feb, 2009
Yes definitely a snow lady Eileen.....was out drinking with us and had one snowball too many lol
5 Feb, 2009
well BB tut tut , Cyril should have made sure she got home ok lol
5 Feb, 2009
Snowball - very funny BB and a blast from the past - I remember when I was a child aunt's and grannies having a snowball, lol. I'm glad she was recycled Sandra, ha ha
5 Feb, 2009
my gran used to make me snowballs too.
5 Feb, 2009
Ok. What does a snowball drink consist of...and poor snowlady.....looks like she may have been shoved Cyril?
5 Feb, 2009
Ok Cat...A snowball or egg nog was an old fashioned drink over here in late fifties early sixties...a drop of lime juice,measure of advocaat,and splash of lemonade...topped off with cocktail cherry on a stick.Gross !!!
5 Feb, 2009
Well YUCK..that would topple me over too!...sorry Cyril....
We do drink eggnog drinks here with rum in them and a dash of nutmeg around the holidays...never heard of your snowball though.... :(
5 Feb, 2009
Well you can probably understand why they not popular now...was a sort of grannies favourite drink at Christmas. !
5 Feb, 2009
I can just picture the film "The Griswold Christmas Vacation", they had Eggnog as I remember! Oh dear BB, what ever happened to Advocatt?
5 Feb, 2009
Still to be found Dawn...gathering dust on supermarket shelves ! lol
5 Feb, 2009
my girls bought some this christmas. without the aid of a
5 Feb, 2009
LOL Sandra..well done girls !
5 Feb, 2009
Eggnog lattes are very popular too Dawn...I made them every Christmas season..sans the real Rum but a sweet non-alchoholic syrup called Jamaican Rum that does taste very much like the real stuff was added...just a tiny bit because it would over power the Eggnog flavor.
6 Feb, 2009
Advocaat Snowballs, that takes me back to my mum drinking them in the sixties and thinking she was very sophisticated! Looks like the snowlady's had one or two, too many!
6 Feb, 2009
yes Paul..thats what they were famous for...have you tasted one ? Yuk !
6 Feb, 2009
Eggnog Lattes hey Catfinch, wow, never heard of those. Wonder if the Mums, Aunts and Grannies of the sixties actually liked the snowballs, lol.
6 Feb, 2009
Eggnog anything is very popular here from Thanksgiving ..(third Thursday in November) though New ice cream, cheese cake, coffee, alcholic beverage and just to drink warm or cold by itself.
Yes I am glad for it to be looking more spring like here and now it would be time for iced drinks to be thought of more and more...fruit smoothies first...and more Chai Tea drinks...and Vanilla flavored lattes..etc...
19 Feb, 2009
ohh i love fruit smoothies Catfinch.
i could definately smell spring-time outsude today. and i only had one jumper on this
19 Feb, 2009
Ohhhhh. My. Poor poor snow lady......she's been mugged! :o(
20 Feb, 2009
hi Gilli
she was VERY well endowed and fell forward as a result of
20 Feb, 2009
Oh I see!! Goodness....just goes to show you...reduction operations are actually to reduce mortal injuries. LOL
21 Feb, 2009
LOL....a drunken, overly endowed, snow lady...oh dear...poor..poor dear..
21 Feb, 2009
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Oh poor snow lady :o(
5 Feb, 2009