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Euphorbia purpurea


By Sid

Euphorbia purpurea (Euphorbia purpurea)

Planted this last spring. It's put on a huge amount of growth since then, when it was a single sprig. True to the lable, it has done well in the shade and is a lovely colour.

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Yes, lovely colour :o)

15 Feb, 2009


Its done really well Sid !

15 Feb, 2009


Really pretty colour.

16 Feb, 2009


The flowers will be a kind of supherous yellow, which I'm looking forward to :-)

16 Feb, 2009


I have one of these on my photos and I too love that deepred foliage. They especially look good now don't they?

23 Feb, 2009


Yes Gwenda, it's a really rich tone isn't it. I'm looking forward to the flowers now which lasted a long time last year, but the plant was a lot smaller then. Should look good :-)

24 Feb, 2009

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This photo is of species Euphorbia purpurea.

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This photo is of "Euphorbia purpurea" in Sid's garden

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