This is white pine...tongue and groove that is!
By Lori

16 Feb, 2009
finally got a coat of oil on it...7 to 10 days wait to replace the furniture though!~
Comments on this photo
Its looking good....dont you just love wooden floors?
17 Feb, 2009
Beautiful flooring :)
17 Feb, 2009
Very nice Lori...thought maybe you were just standing staring at the floor at first trying to figure out what to ask Gardengnome...LOL...
17 Feb, 2009
Looks lovely.....
17 Feb, 2009
It's looking great Lori, really warm!
17 Feb, 2009
Beautiful, I love wooden floors:-)
17 Feb, 2009
Thanks everyone...I laboured to produce this floor! but giving birth was quicker ....the finishing part is the most laborious (stiff shoulders) that it's worse than double digging!
As for that, Cat, I thought we had put that to rest...don't care to resurrect it here, either. I don't have any gnomes in my garden, just rabbits, squirrels and mice!! (and a copper dragonfly)
18 Feb, 2009
Yes Arlene, it 5-3/4" white, knotty pine... was thinking about doing the LR is very warm...but marks easily...but the digs and scratches are part of it's rustic charm... going to be a country bedroom! quilts and comforters and
18 Feb, 2009
~sounds good Lori!We have all down one side of the living room in pine and the whole of the loft is timbered including the roof in pine!I like wood too!
We have three elm sideboards, room divider with bottom cupboards and matching 7 foot six long dining table with 8 windsor chairs.All with beech legs~I would hate to have to buy this now!
It is a bit packed and needs lightening up so ash or maple it has to be.
Please put some before and after photos~what colour will the quilts etc be blue and white?
18 Feb, 2009
LOL...good Lori..I am a dragonfly lover myself...but I do have a gnome or two...and your floor is quite lovely, the idea of a country bedroom with comforters and ruffles should look quite nice with it...I like the odd marks on rustic wood floors....should be a very cozy and warm room...
18 Feb, 2009
Wow! Arlene that table sounds incredible!...and 8 windsor chairs!! Did you inherit it or buy it?
right now i have an acanthus leaf pattern spread on the bed...but also have an antique "round the world" quilt in pastel yellows, mauves and blues....think I will put it on a stand at the end of the far as before photos are concerned I don't have any...but it was a yucky pink/beige carpet...glad it's gone! I'm happy with my new floor will be so easy to keep...My rug shampooer will enjoy a well earned rest!
I like your suggestion of blue and white...they would look wonderful with the warm yellow .... I decided yesterday, after checking the floor that I was going to replace the I can show you an after pic...still have to do the window yet...and finish the book shelves...but at least I can move back in!! Yes, Catfinch, I still have some collecting to do...but it's coming together and it is very warm and cozy...going out to look for "country curtains" lol...
19 Feb, 2009
~my husbands parents bought us 4 windsor dining chairs and the table as a wedding present in 1964 and we bought the rest but not all at once.
it is still and still solid wood!
~Love your room scheme ~when it does come together it will be lovely!
~Are you still moving?It will be a pity to go just as you get it completed.
19 Feb, 2009
What a wonderful wedding present! .furniture made by craftspeople is somehow speaks. I've been taking woodworking at night school last couple of winters (not this one, unfortunately) and the stuff that people produce is just amazing to me....I made glass doors for an existing hutch that was built for me to my design...(just a country style piece) and I've made a small kitchen cupboard...and learned how to use a scroll saw to produce a wooden frieze board...don't have a place to use it yet...but In our world where so much is synthetic it's a treat to smell the real wood and feel the wonderful tactile warmth of it!
Yes, we will be moving...have actually found a place we are interested in buying... but I still have three projects to finish before I can call in an appraiser for this house... thanks for the web site address...will have a peek...
19 Feb, 2009
~I don't think they make our table any more ~the range has been updated~but I have always loved solid wood ~as we speak I am sitting at the table! I certainly envy your expertise!You literally can turn your hand to anything!
Will it be far away Lori? and how big will the garden be?
19 Feb, 2009
Certainly turned out great Lori, I love your choices in hardwood and color too !
24 Feb, 2009
Well, like the Cowardly Lion...all I needed was the "noive" to start...once I decided to do it, the flooring people were so helpful. They delivered the pine and a pneumatic nailer/stapler, and a compressor and I got out my table saw and went to work! Thanks for the vote of confidence, Arlene ...I've been ripping out and changing with reckless abandon (some might say) but I prefer to say it is an expression of my willingness to try something new! ( buying this one?) LOL!
Thanks Flcrazy! It is a great relief to be DONE! The fumes were .....hmm... what was I saying?
25 Feb, 2009
Now a woodworking course is what I would love to take..Lori...i have loads of woodworking tools in my garage..and love wood..I can manage some of the tools and machinery..but not really good at it or sure of myself...I am impressed with your progress...and this house needs work for sure before I lease it out for a tourist house...have to rely on friends help with it for now..
25 Feb, 2009
I love having done the jobs...but while I'm at it, I remember my age and abilities aren't what they were! But I am very stubborn...I stay with it...and sooner or later (sometimes very later) I have the job done... at present I'm resurfacing my short stairway up to the bedrooms (my house is a side-split) about 4 steps.. new oak treads, stringers and risers... and I'm almost finished ...then I put on the finish..(more fumes!) and it's time to start in hanging the french doors... It keeps me busy and out of trouble...LOL. I recommend it...check out nightschool courses...that's where I went to learn how to handle the machinery... The have a huge industrial planer, jointers, routers, jigsaws, bandsaws, radial arm saws, chop saws...nailers, sanders...etc. it's great 'cause you get to learn how to SAFELY use these tools and there are experts there to guide you through projects gaged to your level of skill...there is a real sense of accomplishment. Give it a try'll love it!
26 Feb, 2009
Read the description on FB, now I get to see the picture - lovely job!
27 Feb, 2009
Thanks Gillian! I'm just about ready to post a pic of the next project...the stairs!!...
1 Mar, 2009
I love wooden floors! Where do you keep your furniture in the meantime?
10 Mar, 2009
LOL... I moved it all down into the family room, Raquel...we tripped over stuff for the full three weeks...but it's done now thankfully!! This pine flooring is much warmer than a carpet...I'm so glad I did it, even if I am moving away from it, someone will love it!
10 Mar, 2009
Goodness! Glad it's over now...I agree Lori, I hate carpet, and I think it's silly to have carpeting in such a hot city as should all be wood or tile!! =) Of course few people agree with me here...
11 Mar, 2009
I've always thought that ceramic would be the flooring of choice in a hot's always cool underfoot if the sun doesn't get to it~ on another topic entirely~ do you remember the kerfuffle last year about the silicon loving ants in Houston? I don' t think it had made it to snopes...the papers were reporting silicon munchers in Houston of all places...and I wondered if you had heard anything more about them, Raquel?
11 Mar, 2009
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~well done Lori! if you want to head over my way! looks quite wide~at least 5 inches?I still fancy Maple to lighten up the room~might get a bargain now!
16 Feb, 2009