Acidanthera murieliae
By Lori

19 Feb, 2009
the debate still rages over the naming of this flower...Abyssinian Gladiolus, A. murieliea, etc. etc...
Comments on this photo
hmmm... just off the top of my head I would ask how deeply you planted the corms, TT? some bulbs are planted 4x their diameter...but the A. corms are very small and dishlike (I plant mine 2-1/2 to 3 inches deep)...and they need to be planted with the eyes up!! it can set them back if they are place wrong way up....check for eyes when planting...even if it means you have to tear away some of the papery protective membrane...hth! These little corms store up energy in the previous growing season so maybe they were removed from the ground too early...They bloom in I always leave them in the ground until late October. I lift them before any heavy frost... are you able to leave them in the garden? UK climate is quite different from mine, I realize.
19 Feb, 2009
I bought them and planted them in a pot.
They became just lots and lots of healthy greenery.
I took them out of the pot late October.
They are stored in my shed.
I'll follow your advice when I plant them this year.
Thank you. :o)
19 Feb, 2009
This is a great pic Lori. The blooms against greenery of the lily and canna. It looks great.
12 Mar, 2009
Thanks GT...Getting lots of light now?
12 Mar, 2009
Are we ever! Probably 8-8 now. All day long. No more darkness mid to end of april. Not warm yet though. Still always below freezing. Might get into the 30's in the day. Can't plant outdoors till June 1. I'm hanging in here. Glad to see all these fresh and green photos! :-)
13 Mar, 2009
Hi TT: I planted some extra corms around the garden later in the season...I put four in my large planter...and they came up and bloomed...were still blooming when I took the planter indoors! Here comes the Sun, GT.... we are getting lots of sun too this past week...but the wind is solidly out of the north...and ARCTIC cold...brrrr...have to adjust my thinking for your said "into the thirties" and I'm thinking wow that's hot....then it clicked! Fahrenheit, Lori!!!!
16 Mar, 2009
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I seem to recall growing these last year and they were all leaves and no flowers. Why would that be please ?
19 Feb, 2009