The Madawaska Valley
By Lori

20 Feb, 2009
Comments on this photo
Lovely view Lori...................
20 Feb, 2009
Thanks Milky...this is where we're looking for our next home!... No it's in central Ontario, TT. just south of Algonquin Provincial Park, North east of Toronto.
21 Feb, 2009
I could walk into this picture. It looks a lovely wildlife haven.
26 Feb, 2009
Hi Lindak...just had to tell you a story about driving through Algonquin the rut season of the bull moose they travel distances and their bellow can be heard for a long distance...the air horns on the diesel trucks would call the moose to the roadways... along stretches of the highway that is bordered by marsh or swamp I saw breaking marks (rubber) and I said to my husband there must be a lot of drag racing on the lonely stretches...LOL...then I saw a long screech mark and what looked like a huge patch of blood.... sometimes the bulls would walk out onto the highway into the path of an 18 wheeler! CRUNCH! ain't nature wonderful? The area we are planning to move to is very empty ...just between the park and's a relatively unpopulated area but very scenic and beautiful.
26 Feb, 2009
No popping down to the local shops then EH LORI
27 Feb, 2009
No we will need a car for sure...the nearest town is about ten miles away.
27 Feb, 2009
There's always the freezer to keep supplies in. Ten miles is a long way to walk Lori. Will you keep some chickens or a goat for the milk?
28 Feb, 2009
That looks lovely Lori. It that anywhere near Barrie? I've been up about an hour north of Barrie. There is a ski hill around there somewhere. It looks like similar type of area. It's lovely.
28 Feb, 2009
Gilli! You've been in my old hour north of Barrie is Bracebridge/Huntsville...(Muskoka) and the ski hill was Hidden Valley..My fav! (Notice I said "hill" we don't have mountains...just big hills!)
Canadians use their cars as a necessity, Linda! We measure our distances in HOURS of consider anything within two hours of travel to be "close"...! No goats... maybe chickens...I love chooks...they'll end up being pets... I want a Brunhilde and a could I eat my friends?...just hope they are good layers!
28 Feb, 2009
WHen I kept chickens my favourites were the banties. I used to have them tucked under each arm and they loved the attention and followed me around the garden.
2 Mar, 2009
Will have to look into that Linda! you are an inspiration. thankyou.
2 Mar, 2009
LOL...Linda you were (in effect) their mother hen...tucking them under your protective wings!
2 Mar, 2009
I have a photo somewhere if I find it I will post it on my site.
3 Mar, 2009
That will be one for my favourites, for sure!
4 Mar, 2009
Lori the photo of me and the banties is now on my photos. I've just ploughed through all the family photos to find it and I've had a really enjoyable time doing it too as it has bought back a lot of memories of past events.
4 Mar, 2009
I'm on my way to check it out, Linda.... I did that same search recently's good medicine isn't it?
5 Mar, 2009
Fashion changes as well and some of the things that I used to wear as a youngster are back in fashion again Lori. One of my favourite pairs of shoes were white sling back pointed stilletoes, and I purchased them for fifteen shillings. Now that's going back a bit isn't it. I was so thin in those days. five foot six and only eight and a half stone. I weigh nine stone twelve now at sixty. I eat what I like but I still exercise by walking everywhere and gardening of course.
5 Mar, 2009
What I notice most are the hairstyles...they all look like Mary Quant and Vidal Sassoon...all geometric and perky...I love it... I'm starting to notice very short skirts 6 inches above the knee...hmmm...with leather we go again!! I'm too old for that ......, I could fall and break my neck! but I still think it looks very I'm sorry to display such ignorance ...I don't recall how to convert stone to lbs... and it sounds like we are of the same age... Congratulations on your good health...exercise is key. I'm trying to persuade a friend on my street to take up early morning walks... it would do us both good!
5 Mar, 2009
Isn't it two pounds two ounces to the kilogram. Think I'm about 65 or 66 kg
6 Mar, 2009
I've lost some weight recently and now my jeans are loose on me! wish I could say I sweated and exercised to do it...but... I have to watch my diet now... and with eating smaller portions and more frequently, I find the weight has been dropping...think i'm down to 120-130 lbs. and I feel more comfortable.
11 Mar, 2009
My sister weighs more than me and she is a bit shorter but her bone structure is heavier. It doesn't suit her to lose too much weight so when you lose weight you have to be careful that you don't lose too much for your build. The main thing is not to overeat have a good balanced diet and exercise. That can just mean walking a couple of miles a day or building on that if you want to.Feel good about yourself Keep fit eat the right things and you'll look terrific.
11 Mar, 2009
Awww... That's why I'm suffering? I love to overeat! and I love my desserts...pies, cakes, fancy baking! And I love pasta...Manga! Especially a baked lasagne mmmmmm... So wallking is very important...but these days I just have no time...I'm getting my exercise toting boards and hammers, saws and such...then I burn off more by fuming.... "measure twice, cut once!" the handyperson's saying goes...LOL...
12 Mar, 2009
You sound as though you are very self sufficient Lori. You ought to find time to walk though to help you relax.
12 Mar, 2009
Now that the snow has gone I can walk with Mandy...but she's getting elderly and doesn't go as far or as fast as she once did...maybe I should get a bike!
26 Apr, 2009
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This is in Maine. Yes ?
Very lovely.
20 Feb, 2009