The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Pale blue flowers


By Autumn

Pale blue flowers (Verbenaceae)

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This is very pretty. What is it called?

24 Feb, 2009


I'm dying to know what's the name of this plant. The nursery i regularly get my plants from don't speak English.

If i ever get lucky and find out the name, I'll let you know :)

24 Feb, 2009


Lovely little blue flowers. :o)

24 Feb, 2009


Found the name of this plant.

Vitex trifolia var. obovata
Family: Verbenaceae

Common Name:
Round-Leaved Chaste Tree, Single-Leaf Chastetree

26 Feb, 2009

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This photo is of species Verbenaceae.

This photo is of "Vitex trifolia var. obovata" in Autumn's garden

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