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Taraxacum Japonicum

Taraxacum Japonicum (Taraxacum japonicum)

You comes out too early !! Do you have stem ?
Common name of Taraxacum offisinale is 'Dandelion'.

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Hi Tsuyoshi,
They grow here in The Netherlands too! But this one is really early, i agree. They bloom here around late april/begin may.
I'm originally from Cuba. My mother came to visit me and she liked this flower so much she could't beleive it was a weed!

26 Feb, 2009


Hello Tsuyoshi
I live in Cornwall, so it is fairly mild through the winter, although we have had a much colder one this year, but we have Taraxacum offisinale in flower on & off through the winter as well.
Have you seen my photo of Taraxacum pseudoroseum (pink dandelion) One of my earlier photo's.

26 Feb, 2009


Hi Holantina
Thank you for your first visit to this !! Yes, colder than Hiroshima. Cann't be it seen in Cuba ? If so, she would be unable to believe it is a weed, because very beautiful.

26 Feb, 2009


Hi Pamd,
I have never seen pink dandelion. I will see your photo pm today, too late now, am 1: 15. Sorry.

26 Feb, 2009


Dandelion =

dent de lion ( from French ) = lion's tooth.

I can see how this one got its name. :o)

26 Feb, 2009


No, they don't grow in Cuba. Too warm, i think. But they have other weeds over there :-) Some are having nice looking flowers as well, but are like dandelions: also difficult to get rid of, LOL.

26 Feb, 2009


Hi Terratoonie

Why the flower is lion's tooth --------------- ??? -----------
Provably, delived from form ( /|/|/| ) of a leaf ???

27 Feb, 2009


Hi Holantina
Yes, I think so. Danlion's roots grow vertically and deeply, so yes.
Other weeds you says, provably native dandelion in Cuba.

27 Feb, 2009


Hello Tsuyoshi ~
Yes, the yellow pointed shape of petals was the origin from the French ~ dent de lion ~
which became dandelion. /I/I/I/ :o)

6 Mar, 2009


Interesting info on the origins of the name TT :)

14 Mar, 2009


Hello Tsuyoshi and welcome to GOY! These grow in Canada too.

19 Mar, 2009

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