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Thanks To My Husband ....

Thanks To My Husband ....

Here is the fourth robin/wren box - I'll wait in anticipation - with my fingers crossed!

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Fab box..well done John.Think the robins will love this !

26 Feb, 2009


Thanks BB, I'll tell him. I have lots of ivy but not any thick enough to really tuck the boxes in, but we'll see!

26 Feb, 2009


Do your Robins lay blue egss like ours do?

27 Feb, 2009


Well done, John.
Are the boxes made to his own design ?

27 Feb, 2009


The boxes are fantastic , yes well done John :o)

27 Feb, 2009


I like your boxes..fingers crossed Dawn

27 Feb, 2009


Thanks everyone.
TT: The design has been taken from the British Trust For Ornithology Garden Birds and Wildlife - wow that's a bit of a mouthful. BB put me on to this wonderful book at Christmas.
Catfinch: No the UK robin eggs are whitish cream colour, with a scattering of reddish-brown spot, accordiong to the book.

27 Feb, 2009


I have read that our robins can have a nest box built as well but it would have to be mch bigger than yours ...more like a platform I would
Our Robins lay a very blue is an actual color they will put on color charts sometimes called Robins Egg Bue...

28 Feb, 2009


Hi Dawn ,how are you doing with your boxes, any luck ? Uploaded a couple of pic's with regards to the robin..hope you like the photos

26 Mar, 2009


Hi Marion, dont think we have any residents yet in the boxes but lots of chasing going on between the birds so fingers crossed. I'll go over and check out your robin pics now. :-)

30 Mar, 2009


Boy, he's really becoming a pro at this isn't he...., they all look great !

19 Apr, 2009


Thanks FLC, no residents yet :-( But we live in hope :)

19 Apr, 2009

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