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Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Irene Paterson'

Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Irene Paterson' (Pittosporum tenuifolium (New Zealand Pittosporum))

my new baby...i have had this on the wish list for ages, and then after my P.tom thumb, died, the ebay seller i bought it from, kindly offered to send me 3 smaller Pittos in it's place, Tom thumb was one, this one, and P. 'Tandora Gold' - so as you can imagine, i was chuffed to bits.

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That's a seller worth knowing - It's nice when people look after their customers.

10 Mar, 2009


yes i think so too, - i have just ordered more off him and added him to my favorites, so the right attitude does pay off, and lets face it can be rare on Ebay lol

10 Mar, 2009


Very good service.

10 Mar, 2009


yes i thought so and it is the same guy that has the coprosma, at the moment he only has the one variety, he said that due to the cold he has lost a lot (which is why the problem with the first pitto i had apprently) and had to bin the main of his stock on these, but he will be getting more, he mentioned 4 or 5 varietys one of which is 'lemon and lime' one i really would like. i have got quite friendly with him over the last few days as a result of this pittosporum problem, he is a really good guy, he has a nursery and obviously does mail order - he has some lovely things i am sure he may be able to help you out with your gaps problems. i'll send you a PM with his details on.

11 Mar, 2009

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This photo is of "Pittosprum tenuifolium 'Irene Paterson'" in Majeekahead's garden

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