By Sewingkilla

10 Mar, 2009
One of the newts from our pond this is last year, have seen the frogs this year but no newts as yet.
Comments on this photo
I didnt realise they were spotted either Jacque........
10 Mar, 2009
Do u think hes watching Us Milky ? :)
10 Mar, 2009
Cute Newt! Did you see the one I posted a few weeks ago Sewingkilla? Mine was a rough-skinned newt, no spots, but cute as a button!
11 Mar, 2009
I love newts..this little guy has a face to cute..!
11 Mar, 2009
no i didn't Tasteyq will have a look now, i cleared some duckweed off the pond this morning (flipping stuff!) and Mr or Mrs Newt popped her/his head up, there are also 4 coupling frogs!! the water was churning this morning LOL
11 Mar, 2009
I'm glad you've seen a newt..
12 Mar, 2009
realy good photo! i would a pond(small one though)
14 Mar, 2009
i meant i would love to have a pond.
14 Mar, 2009
I´d love to have a pond, too, Zandra and Sewingkilla. The Newt is cute. Had too look in the dictionary...
25 Apr, 2009
Sewingkilla, from what I can see your newt looks remarkably like the Trituris Cristatus or The Great crested newt if it is you should declare its population to the MAFF or Countryside commision as it is our only protected newt as it is highly endangered. This may of course lead to your pond and possibly garden being declared as an SSSI or site of special scientific interest and on the bright side you may get a grant towards its upkeep, on the downside you may never be able to change anything in your garden ever again lol
Do not make the mistake of thinking "my newt had no crest " that fewature only develops for the breeding season. Do you have any other pics of him to make a more poitive id?
Brill pic by the way.
6 Aug, 2009
Oooo err really? don't know if i want to know now!!! LOL, will have to see if i can get a better picture of them, (there are a few in the pond) and i didn't know about the crest on them thanks Indy will be going fishing to see if i can catch any!!!!
8 Aug, 2009
Don't get caught disturbing them , its a hefty fine if you do...
Look forward to the pics!
8 Aug, 2009
Oh heck i'm worried now
8 Aug, 2009
Nah don't worry unless they know theyre there and then catch you then youre in trouble, you can always say theyve just moved in and you didn't know what it was you got in your net, youre in the clear its just a fishing expedition that accidentally found a new habitat in their range , theyd probably give you a medal or something.
Funnily enough IF you still have them in your pond then they probably are the great crested as they spend more of the year in water than the other types do the others tend to mate lay and leave great cresteds like to be in water as adult the others don't.
Did it have a rough warty skin do you remember as thats a sure sign theyre GCresteds
8 Aug, 2009
oh no pretty sure they were smooth skinned, i am going to have a look this space!!!!
8 Aug, 2009
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OMG SK iv never seen a Newt This Close ! Spotty fella int he:)
10 Mar, 2009