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Kite calling for food


By Wagger

Kite calling for food

Outside the garden. Several nest sites are monitored and the young birds are tagged just before they fledge.You can just see the blue tag on it's wing.

Comments on this photo


Great to see the Kite returning to our land. Did you know that around the time of the great fire of London (1666), the kite was a scavenger in our cities. It was only due to the persecution by man (now there's a surprise) that there numbers were reduced to next to zero. Great to see them returning.

10 Mar, 2009


No, I didn't know that, Toto - I knew about the persecution and was really glad when they first reintroduced them on the Getty estate near here. It's been a real success story and they have spread out over a very large area, ever expanding.

10 Mar, 2009


Great to see this lovely bird flourishing Wagger !

10 Mar, 2009


OMG this is a Fantastic Photo Wagger well done for getting them nest so close 2 :)

11 Mar, 2009


Where my brother lives, Jacque he and his wife watched from their bed a pair building their nest - now that's close!

11 Mar, 2009


They seem to be catching up with the Welsh population, Bonkers. I love hearing their wistful call and watching them riding thermals.

11 Mar, 2009


Wonderful......: )

11 Mar, 2009

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