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Sophie and the swans.

Sophie and the swans.

My cat Sophie will always stand her ground against the swans and geese. They can swear as much as they like she will not budge, she will even take a swipe at them with her paw if they go on too much. One brave cat.

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She is brave my cat would not do that he would run away

15 Mar, 2009


: ) They look like they are confering on a strategy to take her on! A brave one indeed!

15 Mar, 2009


Love tortoiseshell cats. When I saw the thumbnail of this I thought it was a joke picture of a cat with huge white ears! She looks as if her fur is up!

15 Mar, 2009


Hi Readejahn
Yes on the thumbnail photo I too thought the same. Her fur isn't up she is just a very fluffy cat. her tail is massive I have never seen a cat with such a fat fluffy tail.

15 Mar, 2009


Clever photo :o)

15 Mar, 2009


Swans can become rather aggressive when nesting, dont turn your back on them - 'aspect' ;-)

16 Mar, 2009


Good mornig Ams
Yes they can be very nasty, The swans in the photo are the breading pair on the top side of the lock. Sophie has been brought up with swans and geese, ducks etc as we live on our narrowboat on the River Avon. We have had the pair of swans nest in our garden at the lock side one year and produced 6 cygnets. There were so many people going to and fro the nest as it was just inside the gates that she would swear allot at them but was never spitful. They do get used to you when being fed and can come to call.
I think Sophie sees it that she is the boss when it comes to the boat so is just standing her ground, i think too that the swans have got used to her sitting there.

16 Mar, 2009

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