in the dark!
By A_jh
- 15 Mar, 2009
Comments on this photo
Thank you.... my favourite
15 Mar, 2009
Lovely rhododendron! I just love them. My first time around them were in a rhododedron garden in eugene, oregon, they were everywhere, the streets were carpeted with petals. I'll always remember them. So amazing.
13 Apr, 2009
Yes, we went to a rhododendron garden -
it was raining heavily but we were sheltered by the huge shrub growth, and as you say they were everywhere, walking on petals and the colour was magnificant!
This one was taken from Lea garden :-)
13 Apr, 2009
Great links. A wonderful place. I'm craving that kind of visit
14 Apr, 2009
LOL!!! Long way to travel!
14 Apr, 2009
No Rhodo's here. Vancouver would be my best bet, still a long trip.
15 Apr, 2009
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Hi A_jh ~
This is a pretty colour :o)
15 Mar, 2009