Garden pond from the other end,
By Funkyfuchsia

20 Mar, 2009
Comments on this photo
Hi thanks J, Ihave 15 fish fron next door whose pond is over stocked,(lucky for me).
he also said he would give me some plants to give me a good start, Have to wait a wk though,
20 Mar, 2009
Wow! 15 Free Fish thats great FF :) & its graet hes giveing u some Plants to help get u off to a flying Start :) My Fuchsias Cuttings had green fly FF:( So i gave them a Good Spray@ wked so fingers crossed itl cure it ! il also post u some Nice Annual Seeds which will help add some colour :) x
20 Mar, 2009
Looks even better in this photo FF........
20 Mar, 2009
It looks great Ff....and the sound of water in your garden...who could ask for more?.......:o)
20 Mar, 2009
Your pond looks great FF......
20 Mar, 2009
Jacque, dont forget to spray every 10-14 days at first becouse unless you used a systemic insectacide any eggs already laid will soon hatch and re-infest your plants,starting the whole cycle again,
Thank you eveyone for your comments.
20 Mar, 2009
Brilliant Funky.......well done........
20 Mar, 2009
Love it!
2 Aug, 2015
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This is lovely FF i like 2 see Fountains in Ponds) do u have fish ? :)
20 Mar, 2009