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Potting on with a teaspoon


By Peter

Potting on with a teaspoon

The individual pockets made it quite tricky to remove the plants without damaging them. I ended up using a teaspoon to dig them out :o)

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Exactly what I use, if not a table fork (which may be gentler on the delicate root systems) :-)

25 Mar, 2009


I push them up from the bottom, but that can damage the planter. However they do come out in one piece.

25 Mar, 2009


I use spoons, forks, wide screwdrivers, whatever is handy. Lol.

25 Mar, 2009


If u find a Very Slim Pencil Peter u can pop the Whole Plant out buy pushing it into the Little Hole Found @ the Bottom Of The Cell ;)

25 Mar, 2009


It's reassuring to know I'm not the only one :o)

I did try to poke up through the whole in the bottom but the compost plug seemed to disintegrate, I'll give it another go next time.

25 Mar, 2009


I use those white plastic plant labels, about 3" long, they're very slim, just slide them inside the edge then use it to scoop out the plug and support it from below. Works well for me.

2 Apr, 2009


I've got loads of them lying around, Greenfingers - another method to try out next time :o)

2 Apr, 2009

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