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Do you think this is Omphaloides or Brunnera?


By Janey

Do you think this is Omphaloides or Brunnera?

I'm still not sure what this plant is though it self seeds all over the garden. It seems to be happy in any situation, the leaves are longish and hairy.

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? But its lovely :)

25 Mar, 2009


Pretty Janey

25 Mar, 2009


Looks like Brunnera to me but I may be wrong - lovely whatever.

25 Mar, 2009


Definitely NOT Omphalodes, Janey - the leaves are wrong. Could be Brunnera - but the leaves on mine are smooth, not hairy, so that's doubtful too. One of the Borage family, possibly?

28 Mar, 2009


I checked it on the internet and Seaburn girl was right it's Green Alcanet, Evergreen Bugloss which is related to Borage and Comfrey and Forget-me-nots!!
Going to get rid of most of it though as it's taking over.....:o(

28 Mar, 2009


I have no idea but it is very pretty!

1 Apr, 2009

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