Euphorbia "Griffithii Fire Glow "
By Jacque

26 Mar, 2009
Comments on this photo
Is this one of the tall ones Jacque or the shorter type?
26 Mar, 2009
beautiful colour
26 Mar, 2009
This is lovely, great colours.
27 Mar, 2009
I have been looking at this one myself, as you know got quite into them recently, instead i bough a low growing succulent one called E. myrsinites, - i have been after this one for ages and finally found one on ebay the other day. maybe when they both get big enough, we can do a trade :0)
27 Mar, 2009
Sounds great idea Ang :) I planted this last yr & it likes where it is & seems to be very happy :)
27 Mar, 2009
It certainly looks healthy, the other variety you sent me is picking up nicely, also very happy in my woodland bed, i have 3 different ones now and one to be delivered in the next few days :-)
27 Mar, 2009
Im plezd to hear its doing ok Ang :) The Roots Of The Cranebill u sent are showing Leafs now :) x
27 Mar, 2009
Lovely euphorbia, I used to grow this but I think I have lost it, they are such beautiful plants dont you think?
28 Mar, 2009
This is lovely Jacque ! I can,t remember the name of mine .. I will have to go out and check on it !!
1 Apr, 2009
I,ve been to look at mine and I think it,s dead , theres only some hard stalks there , I will leave it for now just in case it comes later !
1 Apr, 2009
Thats sad Amy :(
1 Apr, 2009
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This photo is of "Euphoria "Griffithii Fire Glow" " in Jacque's garden
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Euphorbia Griffithii 'Fireglow'
£8.50 at Burncoose -
Euphorbia Griffithii 'Fireglow' (Spurge)
£9.99 at Crocus -
Euphorbia Griffithii 'Fireglow'
£5.99 at Best 4 Plants
This is a great color. Looks very healthy.
26 Mar, 2009