The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

White Hyacinths

White Hyacinths (Hyacinthus orientalis (Hyacinth))

These were in pots indoors last year. Once they fineshed flowering they were transplanted to the garden. As you can see they are quite happy were they now live.

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They look real good planted here Trees&Things theyv got so many other lovely Plants around them :)

27 Mar, 2009


Jacque they have a Sedum, Tradescantia, Acer, Primulas, Fritillaria, Aquilegia and the plant on the left I cant remember. I bought it fro m a market stall last year, it didnt flower so hopefully it will this year.

27 Mar, 2009


Lovely Lot of plants Trees&Things :) I Planted some Aquilegia Plants out today that i grew from seeds i collected from a Ladys garden across rd :) They should be Doubles in Purple/Pink Shades :)

27 Mar, 2009


I do like Aquilegia (grannys bonnets) I have over 50 pots on the go, that have come from various plants around the garden. So I am going to take them to the garden club and sell them, so the money made can go to the club. They will be buying a surprise as I dont know what colours they will be.

27 Mar, 2009


They sound Fab Trees&Things who cares what colour they are their so pretty :)

27 Mar, 2009

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