I think these are bluebonnets.
By Raquel

28 Mar, 2009
Comments on this photo
Thank you TT.did't know
28 Mar, 2009
Yay, I actually recognized them! Maybe I'm becoming a liiiitle bit of a Texan after all...
28 Mar, 2009
Raquel ~ The Lone Star State would be proud of you :o)
28 Mar, 2009
Darn tottin'! : ) As a true Texan (born in Port Arthur, just like Janis Joplin) I am allowed to officially recognize you as a Texan! : )
28 Mar, 2009
Oh my! Now all I need is a real cowboy hat...in pink! lol
29 Mar, 2009
My hubby knew he had been truly accepted by my father, when one Christmas my family decided to go to Gilley's and hubby had no hat, so my father loaned him his Silver Stetson! He wouldn't even let my brother borrow his Stetson.( I had a red hat but a cheap one, not a Stetson) I think a pink hat would look great on you! : ) Yeehaw!
29 Mar, 2009
LOL I will have to think about it...Larry has a hat as he volunteers at the rodeo but he didn't wear it when we went to the rodeo... =)
30 Mar, 2009
These Texas Bluebonnets are very pretty.
~ adopted in 1901 as the Texas State Flower.
also called Lupinus texensis.
28 Mar, 2009