Unknown blue flowers
By Olblueyes
- 2 Apr, 2009
Hi Terratoonie, I dont know what these are (I am sure someone will know). I took this photo because the whole border was full of them, talk about "mass planting".
Comments on this photo
Lovely blue, olblueyes :o)
2 Apr, 2009
Is it King Fiher Daisy ? Its very Pretty :)
3 Apr, 2009
Just Googled it, it certainly looks like it Jacque. These were about a foot tall but a lot of the ones for sale in the UK are no bigger than 6 inch.
3 Apr, 2009
I've also Googled Kingfisher Daisy and that looks a good match.
Jacque ~ well done :o)
3 Apr, 2009
Lovely mass of blue :)
4 Apr, 2009
O thats great i got them rite for u Blueyes:) Thanx TT :)
8 Apr, 2009
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Looks beautiful planted in a huge mass.............
2 Apr, 2009