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Victorian roof vent winder

Victorian roof vent winder

This is just one of the winding mechanisms that raises the roof ridges vertically on all my teak (no painting) Victorian greenhouses for the best and most efficient greenhouse ventilation anywhere in the world.

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Obviously a wonderful piece of engineering that has lasted and will continue to last for a long time. Are there many of these greenhouses left?

5 Apr, 2009


Afraid not.

5 Apr, 2009


Great inventors, the Victorians.
Good one :o)

5 Apr, 2009


We aare looking at restoring a simulair greenhouse. I was wondering if you knew wher I could obtain new or secoundhand winding mechanisms.


28 Apr, 2009


No one makes these any more. You may find a second-hand source if you can find a greenhouse to 'cannibalise'. But most owners are rather keen to hang on to what they got because they hope one day to do the same as you.....

P.s I hope you spend more care on your building than you do on your spelling.

28 Apr, 2009

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Pictures by Muddywellies
80 of 117

What else?

This photo was taken at Winsford Walled Gardens.

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