By Newfienurse

5 Apr, 2009
This was a wildberry cheesecake with strawberry topping.
Comments on this photo
Why do you keep tempting me Newfie? If I was in your country, I think I would camp on your doorstep, just in case there were any leftovers.
5 Apr, 2009
You would be a Billy Bunter in no time Toto, does look scrummy though eh............
5 Apr, 2009
I love baking and sharing....Everyone is welcome!
5 Apr, 2009
Wow, that looks professionally done, Newfie! Great artsy looking photo too :)
7 Apr, 2009
Looks fabulous, can't resist cheesecake especially when its home made!
8 Apr, 2009
Thanks, guys...
I absolutely love gardening, cooking, and baking..Things I thought I hated not too many years ago...I am getting old and I don't care not one little bit!
I wonder will I ever love cleaning when I get even older again? lol
8 Apr, 2009
That looks delicious. My mouth is watering.
18 Apr, 2009
My-oh-my, I'd love a piece of this. You must keep showing us these tasty treats, afterall there's no calories in a pic.....(reminder to self: don't lick the screen) LOL!
19 Apr, 2009
HAHAHAHA..True Greenfingers.
20 Apr, 2009
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