By Pansypotter

9 Apr, 2009
Anumber of Bullfinches have been visiting the Rowan Tree waiting for the leaves to form so they can have a feast.
Comments on this photo
I think its probably the insects they are after, although I have seen a flock of them strip all the buds off my neighbours Cherry Tree, but hey I dont begrudge them, its worth it to see their brilliant colours!
9 Apr, 2009
What a beautiful little bird, you are so lucky PP I have never seen any of these Bullfinch,s in my garden....
9 Apr, 2009
That must be some sight Pansy to see a whole flock of them, shame about the neighbour's cherry tree but at least you don't get the fallen blossom everywhere, lol.
9 Apr, 2009
well captured,gorgeous looking bird
9 Apr, 2009
Stunning pic. PP.
Well done on this one ! :o)
9 Apr, 2009
What a pretty bird.
10 Apr, 2009
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He's soooo beautiful Pansy. We see them occasionally but not for a while now. Do they eat the rowan leaves then or is it insects they are after? I've set 2 rowan trees this winter just so the birds can eat the berries.
9 Apr, 2009