The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Redpole Congregation.

Redpole Congregation.

I've flocks of redpoles now that we are so warm. Snow will not melt away quick enough, but don't even need a jacket outside midday. 10C.

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what a beautiful sight greenthumb, calming and peacful

12 Apr, 2009


10°C?.... brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :o(

12 Apr, 2009


Beautiful little birds. Glad you're enjoying some warmth at last.

12 Apr, 2009


Thanks for the comments! It's grand having it so warm, although from my perspective Now if the snow will just go, I can start my garden projects.

12 Apr, 2009


Your pciture could be in a catalog!

12 Apr, 2009


lol...Thank you! They sure are getting bold. They almost landed on my head this morning sitting out there. :-)

12 Apr, 2009

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