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Livistona chinensis - Chinese Fountain Palm Seeds

Livistona chinensis - Chinese Fountain Palm Seeds (Livistona chinensis - Chinese Fountain Palm Seeds)

The bluish fruit on the Chinese Fountain Palm.

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The fruit looks a lovely blue to me... please tell me if it's still green, then I shall go for my overdue eye check asap... :-)

12 Apr, 2009


Looks blue to me too Panther..........

12 Apr, 2009


Panther, Milky:

You both are is blue. That's what I meant. LOL!

I changed the description.

The seeds will mature to black eventually.

The seeds almost look like they could be made into jewelry.

13 Apr, 2009 goodness Delonix I thought I was losing my eyesight for a while!! LOL.

13 Apr, 2009



No, I lost my eyesight. lol! The seeds will turn dark green before they turn black.

What's interesting is this palm is very widely grown here...and I've never noticed the seeds turning this color of blue. Now, I'm questioning if this is
truly a Livistona chinensis? I have to do more research. : ? )

13 Apr, 2009


Mmmm interesting how the seeds change colours from dark green to black. This fruit looks similar to betel nuts in their being small and roundish.

13 Apr, 2009



Betel nuts turn red though - if I'm not mistaken?

13 Apr, 2009


Sort of orangey red...

14 Apr, 2009



You're so lucky you can grow Areca catechu - Betel Nut Palms. We can't grown them here (as far as I know). The Santa Ana winds would probably completely dessicate them...they would look like a blowtorch burned them. LOL!

Areca triandra - grows pretty well here looks like a clustering Betel Nut Palm and doesn't grow as tall.

14 Apr, 2009

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