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Here comes the blossom for 2009, will the crop be plentyful to make jam this year?


By A_jh

Here comes the blossom for 2009, will the crop be plentyful to make jam this year?

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I hope so, wishing you wamr spring weather. Seems full. No problem with birds thieving?

13 Apr, 2009


Pretty photo.
Good luck with your jam...

13 Apr, 2009


Oh, plenty of bird thieving goes on, I can tell you!! Pigeons were nesting in this tree last year.... I am keeping my eye on them this year! (mild inconvenience as the nest was above my greenhouse! :-/ )
Fiungers crossed for the fruit = jam :-)
Its beautiful time of the year, I love the spring blossom... wish my lungs would not react so much to the pollen!!! LOL

13 Apr, 2009


Spring is so lovely with all the beautiful blossom about :-)

14 Apr, 2009


mmmm... damson plum jam...what a treat!

19 Apr, 2009


Do you know.... they blossom has finished already! That was quick.... I hope that does not make a difference to the fruit!!!

22 Apr, 2009


They weren't frosted or anything were they? Thats all that would harm the fruiting quantity. If you lost some blooms to frost. Lots of fruit does bloom quickly.

23 Apr, 2009

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This photo is of "Damson Tree" in A_jh's garden

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