In the beginning
By Janiemclean

16 Apr, 2009
A long way to go. More rocks than anywhere else on earth must be in this garden!!!
Comments on this photo
Its Huge, you have to be a real gardener to get stuck into this hehe...
16 Apr, 2009
A handfull Janie ... :o)
Do you have some government help to analyse the soil and make suggestions about enrich it?
18 Apr, 2009
Welcome to GOY Janie. This before shot really says how far you have to go. What a challenge!! From your enthusiastic intro you're up to the task. I'll be looking forward to looking at the rest of your photos to see the changes. I assume there are some because I'm so late getting to you. I'm still trying to "catch up".
5 Sep, 2009
Thanks Gardengnome, I am still catching up myself !
5 Sep, 2009
Seeing this 'before' photo gives me hope for our back garden....and seeing the results after your hard labours is fantastic, Janie. I really like all the different areas you have in your garden and your use of containers. Beautiful :)
5 Sep, 2010
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Hello Janie.....Welcome to GOY. You look to have a lovely blank canvas to work with there.
16 Apr, 2009