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herb bath


By Sandra

herb bath

my daughter Lilly put this together for her gran today.

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Lovely. Did she grow some of the herbs herself??

16 Apr, 2009


no she made me buy them for

but she is growing herbs from seed this year. chives parsley coriander sage thyme and basil. she helps me a lot with the nursery and i'm realy pleased shes having a go herself.

16 Apr, 2009


Yes, you'll soon know if she's got the bug.I didn't get it until I was 17. My dad and I moved into a house and there was a great big, clear perspex roofed extension/conservatory and the previous owners had left some geraniums in the garden. An elderly friend of my dad's told me how to take cuttings. I did it and put them into normal soil taken from the garden!! They took in the perfect growing conditions of the conservatory so I carried on the next year, and the rest is history!!!! Let's hope Lily has similar success with her seed grown herbs!

16 Apr, 2009


i didn't discover gardening till i was twenty nine...when i moved here.

16 Apr, 2009


Well done, Lilly :o)

17 Apr, 2009



What a good idea! This is beautiful! The stones make the herbs very interesting.

25 Apr, 2009


we all bring one or two home each time....soon adds up

25 Apr, 2009



You can come my soil is full of stones of all sizes. It amazes anything can grow in it.

26 Apr, 2009


my soil is very stoney here. i dig with a fork because of all the stones. this makes it very free draining which i like. my little veg patch has had loads of compost and stuff added and dug over loads of times, so when i dug that this week it was sooo easy...;-))

26 Apr, 2009



I have to do the same thing with lots of steer manure and compost for my vegetable garden. I'm glad I'm not the only person who has such rocky soil.
I just hate digging holes for takes forever.

You're correct though... rocky soil is good for plants that need good drainage.

27 Apr, 2009


i've asked a uestion about making plant food from sheeps manure. i have had people tell me you can use sheep, horse and cow...but i bet u can use
steer manure too...

27 Apr, 2009



I use steer manure...because it's cheap -- I can buy 1 cu feet for on 88 cents at Home Depot.

27 Apr, 2009

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