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julians tomatoes


By Sandra

julians tomatoes

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Julian has lots and lots and lots. Lol

18 Apr, 2009


we are growing them to sell at the local farmers maket. hopefully ;-))

18 Apr, 2009


I hope they sell well :o)

18 Apr, 2009


I am just hopeing they keep on growing like this and produce the fruit. its been such a huge investment of time and funds. but at the very least we should be eating a lot of tomatoes this

18 Apr, 2009


Ah, you are so creative, you will find uses for the leftovers....hopefully..there will be no leftovers, right?

19 Apr, 2009


I,m sure you will sell the lot Sandra , well done Julian !..... more and more people are going to farmers markets , you can,t compare the taste ..
Did you know that most of the Tomatos sold in the big super markets are grown in huge glass houses at British Sugar , the roots grow in long tubes with no soil at all .. they are fed with a drip system .. surplus heat is provided by the Suger beet Factory .. some of the plants grow up to 30ft. tall and then layered along wires to get the maximum crop ......

19 Apr, 2009


thanks Skippy my mother is like a suirrel in the autumn she'll be bottling, freezing and drying the

Amy is that the place that opened this year somewhere down south? 30 ft tomatoes OMG thats huge. we would have to raise the roof of the tunnel...

19 Apr, 2009


No Sandra , it,s the British Sugar Beet Factory at Wissington in East Anglia .... they don,t actually let them go 30ft high once they reach a certain height they then put them on wire to grow along ...
If you see them in the super market they have a picture of a farmer on the front and they make it look almost as if they have grown in his own garden ...LOL ...
They have 40 acres of glass houses and are going to build more !

19 Apr, 2009


40 acres glasshouses? i wonder how many times my little 6 ft x 7ft greenhouse would fit into that.................? Golly......

My granny used to make chutney out of all the green tomatoes at the end of the season....never seen that done before....always thought the green ones were poisenous....

21 Apr, 2009


I know people do it Sid , coming from the potato family you would think they were poisonous , but you are still here to tell the tale ... LOL ...

21 Apr, 2009


my mothers green tomato chutney is stunning. she is seventy two and every autumn she has us all picking, boiling pickeling and freezing everything. we are still making pies from last years fruit from the freezer. its running out now but i can see this years blossom all over the garden:-))

21 Apr, 2009


How lovely to have a family doing things together like that , I envy you Sandra .. it sounds wonderful :o)

21 Apr, 2009


did i mention door slamming kids arguing lol. thanks

21 Apr, 2009


Amy - I never ate any - I was very little when she went to the big kitchen in the sky ;-)

21 Apr, 2009


You wouldn,t be without them Sandra , what difference does a few broken fingers mean ...LOL ...

Thats why you are still here Sid !, she is probably still stirring that big pot up there getting her shelves well stocked up .. :o)

21 Apr, 2009



You going to have a lot of tomato sauce. : > )

25 Apr, 2009


i have to collect some

25 Apr, 2009



Yes, it sounds like you'll need a tomato cook book.
: > )

26 Apr, 2009

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