This ones for You Jacque lol
By Janette

20 Apr, 2009
I know how much you like these chaps .....
Comments on this photo
He was massive I swear must have been about two foot long lol but I think its a female they are bigger than the males ,I read that somewhere .
20 Apr, 2009
Great picture....look how he blends
21 Apr, 2009
OOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooo Janette ur so Brave to get so Close .He/She is so Creepy looking dodnt u think ? God it didnt jump did it :/ Thats what i hate about them when they Jump OMG It looks So Big :( lol
21 Apr, 2009
Sorry, Jacque, but I think he/she is beautiful. With the village pond so close you'd think they would visit my garden but they don't :(
Lovely close-up, Janette.
21 Apr, 2009
Thanks guys How cant you love these slug eaters Jacque ,mind I am not to keen on slow worms yukkkky things ...
21 Apr, 2009
lol O Janette id not hurt him/her for the World But give me a Garden Slow Worm any day lol :)
21 Apr, 2009
~I can't believe two foot long! the ones we get are tiny and very cute!
23 Apr, 2009
Not really two foot long Arlene .......,but he was big lol
24 Apr, 2009
i'm glad to hear it~ must admit I like them smaller rather than too big~years ago we had tadpoles and when they finally got to be frogs we had hundreds of these tiny black frogs about half an inch big~they were amazing!no doubt only a few survived.
24 Apr, 2009
I was going to say how much I liked you picture of the frog Janette, but since you were so nasty to slow-worms I won't write this.
24 Apr, 2009
great pic janette,, i do like frogs and toads
24 Apr, 2009
I love frog and toads as well. We get quite a few in our garden as we have ponds all around. We sometimes get them in the house!
24 Apr, 2009
Thanks for all your nice comments guy,s
I promise Toto I,ll be nice to your slow worms in future lol
25 Apr, 2009
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this your new pet Janette lol, he looks huge
20 Apr, 2009