David sleeping & Amaryllis superimposed
By Balcony

26 Apr, 2009
1 like
It was Easter weekend 1991 & we had been to visit some cousins in a village about 3/4 hour away by train. On our return I fell asleep for a few minutes & my wife took a photo of me sleeping. Of course I knew nothing about this at the time. When we got home I took a photo of the Amaryllis (we'd been away all weekend) that had opened in our absence - & so you see the result! Being a film camera perhaps the film had got stuck or I hadn't wound it on. Whatever happened it looks a little like my spirit floating among the Amaryllis!!
Well, I can think of quite a few things I'd like my spirit to float above/among, and Amaryllis would be a good contender. :-)
27 Apr, 2009