Hummingbird Dancing in Fountain Spray
By Alandrapal

29 Apr, 2009
rufous hummingbird female as it dances in the spray from the fountain in the lily pond in our front patio area. This spray fascinates them. 19 June 2007 image captured The blurred flowers in background are Cranesbill or true geranium, Johnson's Blue. They tumble down the wall towards the little lily pond, looking so pretty in late spring, early summer.
Comments on this photo
Hi Gilli, many thanks. Glad you like it :) Was interested to hear you live at Kamloops. We lived at Likely, BC (east of Williams Lake) when we first moved to Canada from England. I'm the only one in the family who's never been back to Likely.
29 Apr, 2009
29 Apr, 2009
I don't really know Likely. I've been there just to pass through but that's about it. We move directly to North Vancouver when we first came. I spent many years there until moving out the valley to Abbotsford and then on to Armstrong and lastly here. How do you like Tswassen (at least I''m thinking that's where you are or maybe Delta)?
29 Apr, 2009
Great photo ....
29 Apr, 2009
Have lived at Abbotsford twice in my life. Attended highschool and graduated from Abby Sr High, then ret'd there with my 2 little girls after my first DH died at Kemano, in northern BC.(killed at work). But we didn't stay long that time, just over a year or so I guess.
We do like it here (you're guess was correct :) - we've been here over 20 years now.
29 Apr, 2009
thankyou both, Janette and Michaella for taking time to comment, glad you liked it.
29 Apr, 2009
fantastic photo
29 Apr, 2009
Hi Irish, many thanks. so nice to know that people like my photos :)
29 Apr, 2009
Fabulous shot:-)
29 Apr, 2009
Incredible photo...thanks for sharing!
29 Apr, 2009
amazing colours
29 Apr, 2009
What a magnificent photo............Well done...this is amazing............
29 Apr, 2009
Tswassen area is nice. Much more sun there than in North Van where we were!! :o)
30 Apr, 2009
many thanks to Panther, Nancym, Mageth, Milky - that's really nice to receive them.
Gilli, yes, we did notice a difference in the much less amount of rain when we first moved here, compared to the UBC area, where we had lived for many years. How we noticed it, was when we had to dry the dogs less after walking them, when we moved here.
30 Apr, 2009
LOL Alandra.....That is certainly one advantage. :o)
30 Apr, 2009
I know, Gilli, it does sound a bit strange, but honestly, it's quite a bit of work drying off large dogs when they get soaking wet. Right now we have 2 yellow Labs and one little old Bichon (who we rescued when nobody wanted him). One of our labs, Maggie (12) - we were her puppy raisers for BC Guide Dogs, but she failed the last part of her formal training, so we bought her from the guide dog group and have had her ever since. Lovely dogs, all of them.
30 Apr, 2009
I bet they are lovely Alandra....I do know the downfall of trying to dry off a larger dog. At least a border collie size....AND trying to clean mud out of the long fur. LOL. When I moved to Armstrong I lived on a farm. The soil was heavy the spring and fall the soil became sticky mud. It was next to impossible to keep the dogs clean.....that's when Ginger became an outside "farm" dog. :o)
Do you have photos of your dogs. If so please post them. We all have pics of our animals on here....its like they have there own little GoY community.
30 Apr, 2009
hi again Gilly, can see what you mean about the longer fur of the border collie. At least the labs' fur doesn't hold the dirt, - they have got full of sand down at the doggie beach near us, but by the time we get back to the vehicle, most of the sand has been shed off, - their coats do that, which is one blessing :)
Ours are indoor dogs, of course, guide dogs have to be indoor dogs, in order to be able to "be there" when their visually impaired owners need their help. So after training Maggie to be at the ready, we couldn't suddenly boot her outside when she was no longer in the guiding program.
They do shed a LOT, but other than that, they are very clean indoors, and we like them around us anyway.
30 Apr, 2009
meant to add, will post some pics of Maggie and Lucy and Ruggles, when I can get around to it
30 Apr, 2009
This photo is so beautiful.Gone on favourites.
30 Apr, 2009
thanks again, Bonkersbon, am happy you like it. Am hoping to get some more of these fountain shots soon.
30 Apr, 2009
the photos of the humming bird are lovely. I wonder if he has a wash and drink whilst travelling through the spray at speed. Lovely pic.
1 May, 2009
I have just shown all your photos to my hubby and like me he thinks they are fantastic,Your work is stunning as well as the bird.....
1 May, 2009
thankyou Lindak, yes, I believe they do enjoy to have a little spray-wash and drink while dodging about in the droplets. They actually hover over the droplets, moreso than flying through quickly. I got one shot where you can see the hummer's beak actually breaking the droplet, with tiny splashes bursting outwards. But the image itself is not as sharp as I'd like it to be. Am always hoping to capture a sharper one of the droplet bursting by the hummer's beak.
I do have many photos of the hummingbirds actually bathing. Some on leaves, some in a fine mist of a garden "mister" sprayer, and some in the bubbler fountain, and some in a little bird bath.
1 May, 2009
hi again, Tina, - well, thankyou also to your hubby for being interested in my photos, this is so nice and much appreciated.
1 May, 2009
Linda, also meant to say, that when I'm watering the garden, with the hose and nozzle, -- the hummers will often appear, and sometimes, when the weather has been hot, they will actually "dance" in the spray from the hose too. But I have to be quick and turn the force of the spray down to "fine mist" so as not to injure them, as they are so tiny. I'd like to get a photo when they do that with the garden hose too, but a person needs more than 2 hands for that :) as you don't want to get the camera wet.
1 May, 2009
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Another fantastic photo Alandra. Wow!!
29 Apr, 2009